New 'Star Trek' series 'Section 31' to start filming when 'Discovery' season 3 wraps

Jan 18, 2020
More desperation and lies from Kurtzman. No one watches STD. It's even been shifted to nearly midnight on a Sunday evening on a minority terrestrial channel in the UK.

Picard is tanking hard, so much so that CBS put the first episode on youtube for free after ONE WEEK.
Feb 4, 2020
More desperation and lies from Kurtzman. No one watches STD. It's even been shifted to nearly midnight on a Sunday evening on a minority terrestrial channel in the UK.

Picard is tanking hard, so much so that CBS put the first episode on youtube for free after ONE WEEK.

The only lies I see are yours. Both Discovery and Picard have broken previous subscription records on all their season premieres.
Putting out a free episode on a platform evey one can access is not unheard of. Walking Dead has done it on their site and others as well. In fact it's the opposite of failing as only shows that drum up a lot of buzz seem to mainly do it to drive potential subs their way.


Feb 4, 2020
In all my years on the Internet I have only once gone through all the pain to register on a site so I could be part of these comments on a story but I do so now, accepting the mountains of spam, to say this.

NO! for the sake of all that is good and enjoyable about Star Trek, SOMEONE cancel this project. I am a life long fan but I can not take anymore. I liked discovery and I'm trying to like Picard but enough is enough. It feels like you are trying to make me hate this franchise. Just STOP! I have zero I interest in getting to know another crew of following another show. Concentrate on Picard and just let it REST! If you have so many ideas how about making a damn original show!

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