Newfound dead star spins record-breaking 716 times a second, explodes with thermonuclear blasts

Nov 5, 2024
I’m not a physicist, but have a question regarding this article. The author states that a marshmallow crashing into the surface of this neutron star would generate the energy of 1000 nuclear bombs. A marshmallow weighs approximately 7grams, and a gram of matter converted to energy would generate the equivalent of a 21.5 kiloton nuclear blast. What am I missing here? A 150 kiloton marshmallow explosion is certainly impressive, but it’s not 1000 nuclear explosions.
Nov 5, 2024
I was quite surprised to see the globular cluster, NGC 6624, is quoted as being a mere 26 light years away.
Considering M4 is the closest globular cluster at about 6,000 light years, I'm guessing that a few zeros are missing from the quoted distance to NGC 6624.

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