Open-Source Satellite Tracking Software?

  • Thread starter Struggling_Idiot
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One night whilst listing to an outdoor concert, I laid beneath the stars and noticed a faint object traveling smoothly across the sky. It was a speck, but left an indelible impression.

I'm not a mathematician nor want to 're-invent the wheel', but I would like to have access to the documented source code of satellite-tracking software based on Lat & Long coordinates & time.

I want to be able to "predict" a satellite overhead given my location & local time (or GMT).

The preferred language is ObjC/C++/C.

GPL License or equivalent.

The primary use is edification/coding via the Mac OS X.



If you are running Linux, use Predict or in X, gPredict.
Be warned though, if you use the "T" option in Predict console mode, don't forget about it!
When the voice comes out of the speakers saying "This is Predict, satellite is at n degrees and approaching", I've almost jumped out of my skin!
It's a really useful feature, I have used a low power FM transmitter, gone outside with my FM "walkperson" and a pair of binoculars, as Predict calls out the position it makes the satellite really easy to find.

Another great satellite predictor is STS-PLUS, it's a DOS app, I run it natively with DRDOS or under DOSEMU in Linux, I've started using freedos now, but I used to get DOSEMU to run up my existing DR-DOS installation.

You will need to get the TLE's or 2 line elements for each satellite you want to track.

Hope that helps!

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