Orion Skyquest or Celestron Starhopper?

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The wife is going to let me spend the money for a 6" dobsonian as my first scope. Anyone have a preference to which one is better. I noticed the Orion has a longer focal ratio and comes with 2 eyepieces. The Celestron only comes with 1. Does anyone out there who has seen and or tried both of these have a preference?


I used to have a wife...I prefer my telescope. I have 3 Orion 'scopes (2 Refractors and 1 Dob). I've not had problems with them and I am partial to Orion. I have no experiences with Celestron whatsoever. I'm sorry I can't be of much assistance.


As for the scopes, both are excellent. I have never use a Celestron Dob, but I have friends who have. However, besides the two Plossel EP's supplied with the SkyQuest, Orion will also supply a free copy of Starry Night. Orion is marketing Celsetron Scopes, but I don't think the Starhopper is listed in the Orion Catalogue. But for practical purposes, what ever scope you buy ( Orion or Celestron ), purchase from Orion. <br /><br />Clear Skies<br />Bill<br /><br />


I have a Skyquest XT8 and I love it. It is quick and easy to assemble and easy to use. I get some great views of the moon and Saturn and the Orion Nebula, even in major light pollution. I also like the Starry Night software, as I am not very good yet at reading the star charts or star hopping since I'm still learning the sky. I have no experience with the Celestron but I can tell you that you can't go wrong with the Skyquest.


It doesn't matter which scope you choose. Both are made by the same people, Synta in China.<br /><br />They are not different focal lenghts the Orion is 1200mm f8 the Celestron is 1219mm f8 (they just dropped the 19mm on the Orion)<br /><br />The mounts are slightly different, thats one of your choices and if you want one eyepiece or two.<br /><br />Only other choice is if you Orion or Celestron stickers on it. <br /><br />And the reason you get a copy of Starry Night with the Orion is because the same people that own Space.com own Starry Night and Orion. (Imaginova)<br /><br />Celestron is owned outright by Synta. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="1" color="#3366ff">www.siriuslookers.org</font> </div>
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