Written elsewhere in main but a specific generality applicable here also (and remember, COLGeek, though long retired, I'm no novice in computing, communications, and information systems in general, either):
I'm always remembering my 'Cicero' and 'Durant', among others.... "A country of too many laws is lawless" -- Cicero (a system of too many rules, too much "order," too great "complexity," is broken -- rule-less "disorder" . . . malignant closed systemic (inbreeding) savagery rather than benign open systemic (frontier) civilization (paraphrasing Will Durant)). Believe it or not, the former is BEGINNING / END extremes state -- one and the same, the latter the MIDDLE (MATURE but still YOUTHFUL "Fountain of Youth") state (as Hawking called it, the "Life Zone" universe state). The two/all three total, eternal states . . . and eternal choices.