Planet name needed

Feb 23, 2021
Hi there,

For a school project about configuration of mobile and internet connections we are learning to work "Agile" as a team.
As I love seeing the work of NASA and Space X I proposed to take a team-name that is a "planet"

I know that this is not a deep scientific question, but I thought it might be fun to ask two questions here:

- What is your favorite, most beautiful or most intriguing planet?
- Which planet would you choose for an "agile" project about mobile and internet connections?

If you'd like to give a brief elaboration that would ofcourse be very nice.

- Personally I was thinkin about Krypton :p or Kepler 10-c (the big earth)
It's just a bit strange to put"10-c" in a project name, isn't it?

Thanks already for your replies, really curious and looking forward!


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
The obvious one, of course, is Mercury the messenger, with its connections to motion and communication. The planet Mercury was so named after the god Mercury due to its rapid movement to either side of the Sun.
But this is probably too commonplace for you?

Cat :)
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Hi Sid

Glad to help. There are probably lots more unusual possibilities, many of which might not be actual planet names but which sound plausible. Like Descartes or Diogenes, Prince or Paragetes?
Good Luck with your project.

Cat :)
Feb 17, 2021
Hi Sid

Glad to help. There are probably lots more unusual possibilities, many of which might not be actual planet names but which sound plausible. Like Descartes or Diogenes, Prince or Paragetes?
Good Luck with your project.

Cat :)

We currently name planets with Greek and Roman deities; in Legend of Galactic Heroes, the founders of Free Planets Alliance and Norse deities were used in naming planets.
In the 19th century following the discovery of Neptune, “Vulcan” was deemed a very likely planet between the a Sun and Mercury to explain an anomaly in Mercury’s orbit. Le Verrier, who accurately determined, mathematically, where to look for Neptune — it was subsequently found in a matter of hours once attempted — calculated where Vulcan should be. Being within the great glare of the Sun, it was very hard to find. Many claimed they had seen it, but without verification. Over time, interest faded for “shinier objects”.

Einstein first tested his equation to explain the tiny orbital anomaly and he nailed it. He reported that this gave him heart palpitations for a week. General Relativity was born.
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
If you are naming extra terrestrial planets you are soon going to run out of all the gods and goddesses in every religion in every part of the world.

Best start naming them after everybody's next door neighbour if you don't like my suggestion.

Cat :)
Best start naming them after everybody's next door neighbour if you don't like my suggestion.

:) That reminds me of the name Herschel — discoverer of the first planet since recorded history — gave his discovery of the 7th planet — George! [ok, Georgium sidus, but Latin not required.]

it sure beats the bane of all names — Uranus! ;)
Let me suggest the downgraded but still admired "Planet" ...... Pluto. Note: with the name Pluto comes recognition, and a famous Disney cartoon canine called Pluto; all sorts of Pluto nick-nacks are readily available as "mascot" decorations for desks and computer tops. Additionally, there is a following in the astronomical and amateur communities that wants to make Pluto a planet again. Such seem better than the oft used names of the planets in our solar system. However, if Sci-Fi planet names are to be considered, how about Pandora from the movie Avatar. Those blue people with tails, could have been us except for the vagaries of Evolution.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
:) That reminds me of the name Herschel — discoverer of the first planet since recorded history — gave his discovery of the 7th planet — George! [ok, Georgium sidus, but Latin not required.]

it sure beats the bane of all names — Uranus! ;)
It is just an unfortunate fact of life that some words have undesirable translations in other languages. School teachers of German must be thoroughly sick at the titters evoked by the German word for father.
Adults just accept the problem and ignore childish stupidity.

Cat :)
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