Please help me understand the need for Dark Energy and Dark Mater

Dec 9, 2024
Please help me understand the need for ‘Dark Energy and Dark Mater’

I raise the question of the need for ‘dark energy’ to describe the rate of universal expansion. As we look deeper and deeper into space (looking into the past) it has been stated that the galaxies we see are moving apart at a faster rate. From a novice’s point of view this only makes sense. That we would see faster motion because we are looking back in time. If one believes in the Big Bang theory, the expansion would have been much faster at the beginning and slowed over time. Therefore, as we observe galaxies closer and closer to our own time this motion would appear to slow down to what we observe for the local group of galaxies.

I also question the need for ‘dark mater’ to describe the rate of universal expansion. Would not, the following account for the mass discrepancy which has led to the use of these placeholder names for the imaged Dark Mater and Dark Energy?

  • ROGUES - The realm of rogues can be dizzying. Moons become ploonets. Failed stars become planets. Interstellar asteroids behave like comets. Black holes give rise to blanets. And astronomers believe there may be as many planets floating between stars as stars in our galaxy - or stars drifting between galaxies as galaxies in the universe. As telescopes peer ever more keenly into space, the cast of characters promises to grow richer, upending the story of our solar system, our galaxy, and the farthest reaches of the cosmos. Astronomers said on July 6, 2021, that they’ve used data from the Kepler planet-hunter to find a new crop of rogue planets. They are free-floating planets, unconnected to any star. Like children shoved from a schoolyard by a bigger bully, these rogues might have been ejected from their own star systems by interactions with larger planets. Astronomers used gravitational microlensing to find these lonely planets, amongst a sea of stars, located toward the center of our Milky Way galaxy.
  • STELLAR-MASS BLACK HOLES - November 2, 2022 - Scientists say there are likely millions of stellar-mass black holes in our galaxy. Finding them, however, is difficult, and only a few have been confirmed.
    These would likely be dormant stellar-mass black holes. Most recent example - Gaia BH1 which is approximately 10 times more massive than our sun, making it a stellar-mass black hole.
  • INTERSTELLAR PLASMA - Voyager 1 has detected a faint, monotonous hum from plasma (ionized gas) in interstellar space. The low-level hum let scientists track how interstellar plasma is distributed in the space through which Voyager 1 is passing.
The above and many more as of yet unobservable things could easily account for the mass discrepancies. In addition, I would question the methods of measurement before inventing things to match measurements that don’t agree with our current understandings.
Jan 2, 2024
The Dark Energy interpretation results from a misunderstanding of the nature of Time - it is not parallel to all but is orthogonal to our hyperspherical universe
The Dark Matter arises from the shape/curvature of the gravity well compared to the curvature of the universe n-sphere (hypersphere probably)

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