Possible Vertebre on Mars ????

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I tried to post a picture of a possible vertebre on Mars in the Amazing Pictures area.....and the Moderator rejected it ???? I guess it wasn't "flowery" enough. Does anyone have a link to a credible website that might just be interested in such a revelation ??? I am a bit of an amateur paleontologist and I would like to expand my horizons to include "Astro-Paleontology".


Did the picture exceed 100kb or whatever the limit is?<br /><br />You might need to resize.<br /><br />Might be a format problem with the picture too.<br /><br /><br />{and by the way, we have already had about 100 consecutive pictures of weird things on Mars, and so far, every single one of them has been a rock.}<br /><br /><img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" /><br /><br /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font color="#ff0000"><strong>TPTB went to Dallas and all I got was Plucked !!</strong></font></p><p><font color="#339966"><strong>So many people, so few recipes !!</strong></font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><strong>Let's clean up this stinkhole !!</strong></font> </p> </div>


That's the reason I suggested the other sites. We seem to see rocks in those photos....they don't. <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <strong><font color="#3366ff">Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will to strive, to seek, to find and not to yeild.</font> - <font color="#3366ff"><em>Tennyson</em></font></strong> </div>


Thanks for the links man...I found a dinosaur egg here on earth 25 years ago...the experts denied it was an egg for 25 years.....now thru digital photography I finally have the proof I need. Check out my Amazing pic of "Binkie" the tiniest dinosaur if you are a believer. We need more open minds and visionaries exploring such things. I have nothing to loose by being proved wrong about this vertebre.....but...what if it is real ???? And I have no doubt it is a "rock"......that's what fossils are....


The vertebrae shape is common on Mars in the basalt rock, and thousands of similar shapes are in the MER gallery collection- the very interesting thing about the subject is that the layered material on Mars is also showing a huge number of these shapes. The objects are nearly certainly not vertebrae pieces but a mineral shape which is caused by a complex 3D mineralogy propensity or a organizational aspect which is ongoing and not limited to the volcanic source conditions of the <br />'lava' vertebrae. We began seeing them during the first weeks of the two MER landings. Many of the pieces are considered probably 'concretions', or assembled by normal non-melt conditions. Not to be telling you that these cannot be possible signs of life, nor that they cannot be in partial number actual fossils, as these are the first real substancial cataloging misions to Mars, and the natural history of Mars is still a partial mystery.<br />I have found what appears to be complex fossil casts and insect remains fossilized in rocks on Mars in the NASA gallery photos of this past year and a half. The numbers increase dramatically as the size diminishes. <br />The Earth-like items are scaled similar to Earth sizes per type, but the 'Martian' exotica are found more at the smaller size scales, and require the use of the MI photos and some enlargements. I am sure some of the item types are either fossils or living now. I would like to see the image you have, and the terrestrial 'egg' item.<br />The number of 'rock' items that bear a resemblence to Earth fossils and living items is a positive step for science even if the images shapes are shown to be non-organic. <br />Much of the shapeliness of life on Earth may have a direct relationship to these shapes on Mars.<br /><br />You may find the Mars Rover Blog group more receptive than this forum group. I have just presented an image each on the 'Life on Mars' and the 'Photos of Mars' topic subjects and found myself either ignored or given a cold shou


<font color="yellow">a &%$#@! monkey</font><img src="/images/icons/shocked.gif" /><img src="/images/icons/blush.gif" /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <strong><font color="#3366ff">Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will to strive, to seek, to find and not to yeild.</font> - <font color="#3366ff"><em>Tennyson</em></font></strong> </div>


<blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr /><p><font color="yellow"> a &%$#@! monkey</font>p><hr /></p></blockquote><br />Yeah, they're the ones that are all red in the face...<br />It's the shouting, ya know? <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p style="font:normalnormalnormal12px/normalTimes;margin:0px"><strong>Mere precedent is a dangerous source of authority.</strong></p> <p style="font:normalnormalnormal12px/normalTimes;margin:0px">-Andrew Jackson (1767-1845)</p> </div>


Greetings Dana....nice write up...thank you. You are probably right about the Basalt bubble formations...or they could possibly be cause by wind erosion vortexing sand particles. The area that caught my attention is around a boulder called "Adirondack". I found a higher resolution pic thru the links above. The "vertebre" that I first noticed in the foreground began to look more like a gas bubble at higher resolution....but an interesting trail of specimens appeared in an erosion washout fading into the background. This is very simular to the washout channels and dinosaur debris fields that I encounter in the Drumheller Badlands of southern Alberta. Who knows....I used to haul dinosaur bones with my Tonka trucks over 40 years ago...maybe I can spot something oneday. Few humans are even looking....and even fewer have a trained eye for spotting smashed up dinosaur remains. Gets a little frustrating wading thru a sea of $%?*#^ monkey experts sometimes. Good luck on your Celestial Voyage....the Quest for Knowledge continues !!!


<font color="yellow">a sea of $%?*#^ monkey experts</font><br /><br />There it is again! <img src="/images/icons/shocked.gif" /> <img src="/images/icons/blush.gif" /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <strong><font color="#3366ff">Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will to strive, to seek, to find and not to yeild.</font> - <font color="#3366ff"><em>Tennyson</em></font></strong> </div>
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