Rare ghostly particles produced inside the sun just detected under a mountain in Italy

An important detection here for solar fusion models and stellar evolution models of other stars. The CNO detection of solar neutrinos is still under review though. "The findings, which have not yet been peer reviewed, were reported on 23 June by the Borexino underground experiment in central Italy, at the virtual Neutrino 2020 conference.", ref - Neutrinos Reveal Final Secret of Sun’s Nuclear Fusion, https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/neutrinos-reveal-final-secret-of-suns-nuclear-fusion/

My observation, note this in the report (scientificamerican). "“It is the first really direct evidence that hydrogen burning through CN operates in stars,” Says Aldo Serenelli, an astrophysicist at the Institute of Space Sciences in Barcelona, Spain. “So this is really amazing.”

My note. CNO cycle fusion confirmation is critical in stellar evolution theory and dating globular clusters using stellar evolution models. H-R star diagrams generated by computer models using CNO fusion, only recently seems to be detected and supported, at least in the Sun. It is important to clearly identify critical calculations used to measure the age of different objects in the universe, and assumptions used to support those age calculations that may lack empirical world testing to confirm those assumptions used in the age model(s).
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Aug 1, 2020
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Aug 1, 2020
An important detection here for solar fusion models and stellar evolution models of other stars. The CNO detection of solar neutrinos is still under review though. "The findings, which have not yet been peer reviewed, were reported on 23 June by the Borexino underground experiment in central Italy, at the virtual Neutrino 2020 conference.", ref - Neutrinos Reveal Final Secret of Sun’s Nuclear Fusion, https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/neutrinos-reveal-final-secret-of-suns-nuclear-fusion/

My observation, note this in the report (scientificamerican). "“It is the first really direct evidence that hydrogen burning through CN operates in stars,” Says Aldo Serenelli, an astrophysicist at the Institute of Space Sciences in Barcelona, Spain. “So this is really amazing.”

My note. CNO cycle fusion confirmation is critical in stellar evolution theory and dating globular clusters using stellar evolution models. H-R star diagrams generated by computer models using CNO fusion, only recently seems to be detected and supported, at least in the Sun. It is important to clearly identify critical calculations used to measure the age of different objects in the universe, and assumptions used to support those age calculations that may lack empirical world testing to confirm those assumptions used in the age model(s).
Aug 1, 2020
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