Hi all!<br /><br />I just recieved an Orion Spaceprobe 3 EQ for free (woo hoo!). It came with a 25mm and a 10mm lens. Now, according to the telescope.com site, this is what I can expect to see...<br />-----<br />The 3"-diameter primary mirror gathers enough light to reveal the faint glows of many star clusters and nebulas, as well as Saturn's rings, Jupiter's moons, and the stark, cratered terrain of the Moon.<br /><br />The aluminum Newtonian optical tube features a 1.25" rack-and-pinion focuser and two Explorer II eyepieces - a 25mm (28x) and a 10mm (70x). The included EZ Finder II finder scope helps you locate objects with ease.<br />----<br /><br />I am very skeptical that I will be able to see something like a nebula or saturns rings. <br /><br />What should I really expect to see? And what kind of detail? I pretty much expect just to see star clusters and different colored round blobs! :-D<br /><br />I used to be into astronomy about 10 years ago and now I feel all new and rusty!<br /><br />And how much would it cost to build a decent but nice telescope? <br /><br />Thank you so much for being patient!