Regarding Apopolis meteor 99942.

He proposes making a one meter diameter plastic disc and measuring the circumference. I have already done this, but on a 5.5 meter drum. We used 5.5 meter steam drums in the paper machine. They were cut to a diameter +/- 0.01 mm. We measured the diameter with a standard pi tape and it verified exactly. He is not correct in his assertion.
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Aug 15, 2024
If I may, those videos were unenlightening; anyone who has ever cut wood or foam knows you get an imperfect surface, and the notion of wrapping a piece of metal around a cut edge to "precisely" measure anything cannot be a perfect measurement, and pulling and stretching to get the 'correct' results is unimpressive, and as I watched, there was no point to it, I saw no result that had anything to do with an asteroid. How is a physical expression of Pi superior to a computer generated image that can be rendered to a precision impossible with real materials; why he is using physical things to prove a mathematical point is beyond me. Look at the small difference he's trying to show; the lines have width! the metal stretches, the surfaces and composition of the materials is different - wood is hard to compress, foam is easy. While he was very detailed and specific about what he used and how he used them, it did not seem to lead to anything, I may have missed it. Watching him manipulate the band to show his expected results was humorous to watch.
So, as an outsider, what does cutting circles have to do with an asteroid?
Kepler's Golden triangle? Kepler? What would Archimedes have to say? How did Kepler claim it?
So I cannot see how a physical demonstration of pi is in any way equal to or superior to a mathematical one, where precision is at a place where pi can be precisely measured to beyond 1,000,000 digits? Finally, I cannot relate that to an asteroid. Thanks.

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