Robert Bigelow on coast to coast am

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Robert Bigelow is doing a interview on coast to coast am right now and there are some cool pics from Art Bells trip to bigelow areospace on the website. <br /><br />


Thanks for the heads up...uh, or something like that. 7 hours after the fact <img src="/images/icons/mad.gif" /><br /><br />JK...I appreciate the new images of Bigelow Aerospace. Whether or not I download the entire 4 hours of the show is another story. Any idea which part of the show was dedicated to Bigelow Aerospace and which part to paranormal stuff? <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="3" color="#ff9900"><p><font size="1" color="#993300"><strong><em>------------------------------------------------------------------- </em></strong></font></p><p><font size="1" color="#993300"><strong><em>"I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical. Unsuccessful rebellions, indeed, generally establish the encroachments on the rights of the people which have produced them. An observation of this truth should render honest republican governors so mild in their punishment of rebellions as not to discourage them too much. It is a medicine necessary for the sound health of government."</em></strong></font></p><p><font size="1" color="#993300"><strong>Thomas Jefferson</strong></font></p></font> </div>


Is Art Bell channeling some advanced technology to Bigelow's endeavor?<br /><br /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font color="#ff0000"><strong>TPTB went to Dallas and all I got was Plucked !!</strong></font></p><p><font color="#339966"><strong>So many people, so few recipes !!</strong></font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><strong>Let's clean up this stinkhole !!</strong></font> </p> </div>


I think I'd pass up that opportunity if I wanted to keep the credibility I'd earned. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font color="#000080"><em><font color="#000000">But the Krell forgot one thing John. Monsters. Monsters from the Id.</font></em> </font></p><p><font color="#000080">I really, really, really, really miss the "first unread post" function</font><font color="#000080"> </font></p> </div>


Mr Bigelow has no particular need or use for credibility.<br /><br />That is not to say that he lacks credibility in any way. I'm just saying that when you're footing the bill and you know what you're doing, being 'tainted' by association with Art Bell is of zero consequence. Besides, Bell is just an entertainer, there is no point in taking him seriously.<br /><br />He's a results oriented guy. As long as talking to a nut case doesn't get in the way of achieving results, why not reach out to the sector of the public that believes in ET? They want to see us become space-faring too.<br /><br />I'm just glad that he's willing to divulge details at all. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


Sorry about it being a bit late, but I caught the show as it was starting. 1am on the east coast. So my apologies for that. The entire show was devoted to Bigelow Aerospace for anyone wanting to download it.


<font color="yellow">"Sorry about it being a bit late, but I caught the show as it was starting. 1am on the east coast. So my apologies for that. The entire show was devoted to Bigelow Aerospace for anyone wanting to download it."</font><br /><br />Hey, no problemo, Steve70 <img src="/images/icons/cool.gif" /><br /><br />I would like to hear the interview, but I'm not interested in hearing them talk about the paranormal...not my thing, you might say. I'll have to try to sift through the 4 hours to see if I can edit it. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="3" color="#ff9900"><p><font size="1" color="#993300"><strong><em>------------------------------------------------------------------- </em></strong></font></p><p><font size="1" color="#993300"><strong><em>"I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical. Unsuccessful rebellions, indeed, generally establish the encroachments on the rights of the people which have produced them. An observation of this truth should render honest republican governors so mild in their punishment of rebellions as not to discourage them too much. It is a medicine necessary for the sound health of government."</em></strong></font></p><p><font size="1" color="#993300"><strong>Thomas Jefferson</strong></font></p></font> </div>


Actually, I'd be interested to listen to that, and was all prepared to fubar up a fake name and stuff just to 'register' to download the stream but YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR IT !@#$%^&* and give them your real email for it to work of course. So I might try to see if it's floating around somewhere else (unlikely - but we'll see) <br /><br />Anyway, it's odd for Bigelow to associate with Art Bell, but I think Bell is a fan of his. I gues any publicity is good publicity as the saying goes, if you just want to get your ideas out there. Once Bigelow start's having more and more success less and less people will be laughing at his ideas....


!! <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font color="#000080"><em><font color="#000000">But the Krell forgot one thing John. Monsters. Monsters from the Id.</font></em> </font></p><p><font color="#000080">I really, really, really, really miss the "first unread post" function</font><font color="#000080"> </font></p> </div>


A decade ago, I listed to Art bell frequently, and learned a lot about emerging science. Resently the Art Bell show has be heavy into new age and other woo woo, but Art still occasionally does good science interviews. Neil


Occasionally I'd listen to it in bed at night purely for entertainment purposes......<br />Hey even if Bigelow is a little 'out there' himself, who cares? As long as he gets results with his modules no one else will either.
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