Russia wants to land 3 next-generation Luna spacecraft on the moon by 2025

May 8, 2020
I really want the international space station to be retro fitted and sent to the moon as the first moon base. it really serves no purpose at the moment. it doe snot have the design specification to be able to run tests in things like artificial gravity in its design. there should be massive development in these areas as the suns spectral phases is orange only red is left we need to start making plans to be able to transfer our lives into space as part of growing up and moving out.
Dec 20, 2019
It seems like every few months that Russia comes out with a new plan or rocket that on paper is better than any western device or program. And they never get off the paper. Their income is something like 75% from oil and on a good day, pays the rent. Just. Rusian scientists are very smart but they have nothing to work with. sad.
May 8, 2020
united federation of states isn't it. or similar. having no money is the best lace right now, plenty time to work out designs and the technology we need is already really know in most areas. in science right now the sad truth is observation is not being used to the full extent of those who came before us. and technology has blinded many a good scientist to directions they may not provide accurate finding relevant to the answer.

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