Today is science channel's day for astronomy and cosmology programs. Now is Deep Space One (2001) concerning new navigation techniques (AI) and ion drive, etc.<br /><br />Then is Cosmos on journeys in space and time with Carl sagan.<br /><br />And then my favorite on supermassive black holes - also from 2001.<br /><br />I have many questions on this.<br /><br />For example, it has been shown that virtually all galaxies have supermassive black holes and that there is a definite ratio of black hole mass to galactic mass in all galaxies studied (by 2001).<br /><br />Also, there is a definiote ratio of outer edge galactic stellar revolution rates to the spin rate of the black hole.<br /><br />Suggesting that black holes caused galaxies - or are involved in the cause,<br /><br />Here are some questions:<br /><br />Do most black hole orbits recede or decay? <br /><br />That question is based in part on the program statement that black holes provide 25% pf the energy of the universe.<br /><br />In other words - like our moon are some stars receding from black holes rather than having decaying orbits?<br /><br />Also, is tidal interaction one cause of said recession of orbits?<br /><br />That is, of course, the reason our moon is receeding in orbit.<br /><br />Another questioln is - since black hole spin is apparently primordial - is there any bias in spin that would indicate universal spin near the origin of our universe?<br />