Does anyone out there collect Science documentaries? I've been collecting all kinds of documentaries, including science/astronomy, for about 3-4 years now. I was going through some old docs tonight and it just occurred to me that some of you guys may be interested in this 7 hours of Huygens coverage I recorded off Nasa TV, albeit in poor picture quality (streamrip). Did anyone else manage to capture this footage? I wasn't able to catch everything, although I got most of it--particularly the important parts--and converted it to DVD. Most of it was recorded on January 14th-15th 2005 with press conferences on 21st/22nd. Just thought I would let you know in case there's somebody out there whose been looking for this coverage or wasn't aware of it, although the event is now history. I'm looking forward to the New Horizons mission!<br /><br />What are some good documentaries that you have seen on TV or own on video? A lot of the ones on TV are no longer available, which is the reason I began collecting them (once they are shown then that is usually it unless they get released on DVD). My favourites are BBC - Space and the recent 3 part BBC4 series called Atom (high level!). <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" />