Scientists think they've detected radio emissions from an alien world

The article said "The astronomers behind the new research used a radio telescope in the Netherlands to study three different stars known to host exoplanets. The researchers compared what they saw to observations of Jupiter, diluted as if being seen from a star system dozens of light-years away. And one star system stood out: Tau Boötes, which contains at least one exoplanet. If the detection holds up, it could open the door to better understanding the magnetic fields of exoplanets and therefore the exoplanets themselves, the researchers hope...However, Turner and his colleagues aren't yet positive that the signal they detected really is coming from the planet, dubbed Tau Boötes b; the researchers called for additional observations of the system, which is about 51 light-years away from Earth in the constellation Boötes."

Determining exoplanet properties including magnetic fields and if any radio emissions is important. Tau Bootes b is very different than any planet observed orbiting our Sun. It is more than 4 Jupiter masses with a period about 3 days or so., and Boo


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