See Jupiter hide behind the moon during a lunar occultation early on May 17

The occultation event not visible at my location this morning but the waning crescent Moon and Jupiter quite lovely in binocular views.

Observed 0500-0530 EDT. I was able to enjoy some of this celestial event using 10x50 binoculars. Some rain passed during the night and early morning sky featured altocumulus and cirrus clouds passing. The thin waning crescent Moon and Jupiter a lovely pair in my binocular view, almost another world view seeing the two about 1-degree 15 arcminutes apart according to Stellarium 23.1 for my location in MD. While not the best observing conditions, a good sight to see this morning. Temperature 15C, winds NW 8 knots. Sunrise near 0553 EDT. New Moon 19-May-2023 1553 UT.
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