See the moon and Saturn meet in the night sky early on May 31

I did enjoy views of Saturn and the Moon this morning. Observed 0345-0500 EDT. Sunrise near 0543 EDT/0943 UT. Last Quarter Moon 30-May-2024 1713 UT. I used my 90-mm refractor telescope with TeleVue 40-mm plossl, Orion Sirius plossl, TeleVue 9-mm Nagler eyepieces for 25-111x views. Saturn ring system is becoming much more edge on view now as we approach 2025. Titan moon visible. Craters along the Moon visible like Anaxagoras using Virtual Moon Atlas. Earthshine on the waning crescent Moon visible too. About 0446 EDT, a bright satellite made a pass moving SE and Mars was visible rising in the early morning sky. Saturn and the Moon separated by about 1-degree so both fit into the telescope and 10x50 binocular view. At 25x, Saturn, Titan, and much of the Moon visible but it was very bright in the eyepiece without a filter. Lovely sky with temperature 10C, sunrise brightening the eastern horizon near 0445 EDT. Great early morning viewing today.

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