See the planet parade for under $70 with this beginner friendly, super-portable Celestron telescope deal

Jan 27, 2025
I have no idea why allows these kinds of articles to be published. Any experienced amateur astronomer will beg you to stay away from these things. For starters, they only come with a 45° diagonal, which is an indicator that regardless of how its marketed, this scope is not meant for looking up at the night sky. Making things worse, it comes on a cheap and flimsy camera tripod. It can barely hold the thing still, and as anybody serious about this hobby will tell you, camera tripods are a bad tool for astronomy. They are not smooth or precise enough for finding anything in the night sky. Getting worse, the thing comes with a finderscope so useless that a drinking straw would work better. Buying this thing is guaranteed to convince even the most eager and passionate beginner that astronomt is too hard for them. Which is sad, because it's not. For a beginner truly interested in learning the night sky, there's really only 3 options. Spend 40 bucks on a pair of binoculars, ideally either 7x35 or 7x50. Those are powerful enough to see all of the stuff that this scope can see, and they're easier to point and more fun to use. If you've got a little more money to spend, look on the Costco website for a Celestron Omni AZ 102. They're about 200 bucks and have a great mount, probably the best i've ever seen on a scope at that budget. And if you're ready to jump all the way in (like i was) spend about 500 bucks on an 8 inch dobsonian. Nearly all brands are good. You won't regret it! I started on one of these travelscopes, hated it, and now I have my dobsonian and have had a lot of fun with it.

In conclusion, don't waste your money on this crap. Get a pair of binoculars (or more if you can afford it) and have some fun!
Jan 30, 2025
I am astounded that you'd publish an article like this. It's shameful and you know better. That scope is to be avoided at all costs. It's a hobby killer. Take the article down and recommend something a beginner can actually use.

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