Solar system

Interesting recap here., this report has 7:11 video to enjoy. I point out the LHB is being reviewed and could change. 'Meteorite study calls into doubt a popular theory about the early solar system',

"For this study we examined meteorites that came from Vesta, the second-largest asteroid after the dwarf planet Ceres." Sano and his team found evidence that Vesta was hit by multiple impacting bodies around 4.4 billion to 4.15 billion years ago. This is earlier than 3.9 billion years ago, which is when the late heavy bombardment (LHB) is thought to have occurred. Current evidence for the LHB comes from lunar rocks collected during the Apollo moon missions of the 1970s, as well as other sources. But these new studies are improving upon previous models and will pave the way for an up-to-date database of early solar impact records."

Models explaining the origin of our solar system are complicated by more than 700 stars documented now with multiple exoplanets in orbit around them. This site reports 769 stars with masses ranging from 0.08 solar masses for TRAPPIST-1 system to 3.04 solar masses for nu Oph system,

Comparing solar systems found around other stars with ours is very intriguing :) One example, we do not have meteorite samples from these other stars with solar systems so cannot show supernova triggered their formations from their natal gas clouds like the work done for our solar system using meteorites.
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