Space Compression Theory of Gravity

Oct 31, 2024
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Space Compression/Higher Dimension Reservoir Theory of Gravity

Most people think of “space” as an empty void of nothingness in which matter and energy can exist. Einstein proved that “space” is actually “something” which, together with time, forms the spacetime fabric of our universe. Scientists believe that gravity is caused by the “curvature” or “warping” of this spacetime fabric, due almost solely to MASS. However, they still treat gravity as an attractive force. Scientists have not yet determined WHY mass “curves” or “warps” the spacetime fabric. If the spacetime fabric can be “curved” or “warped” it can also be compressed. In fact, I propose that the proper model is not that spacetime can be “curved” or “warped”, but that it can be compressed. My theory of gravity is that when you have an object, such as the earth, the physical mass and energy of the matter that makes up the earth displaces the space that was originally there, pushing it outward away from the earth and thus compressing the space in the vicinity of the earth. The key to my theory is that when space is compressed by mass, the amount of space around the mass (such as the earth) actually increases, not decreases. For example, if you take air and compress it into a basketball, you have more air in the ball than before you started. Likewise, when you compress space in an area, you have more space in that area than before. Since there is more space close to the earth and less space farther away, there is a pressure gradient created which pushes objects towards the earth. This is gravity. Gravity is really caused by a space pressure gradient. Gravity is not a fundamental force (if there is such a thing) it is an emergent force. It is not an attraction force, it is a pushing force.

Einstein’s space warpage model depicts the universe as a two-dimensional plane being “warped” down into a third dimension. He envisioned a round mass sitting in the middle of a restrained elastic membrane. The round mass depresses and stretches the fabric of the membrane such that any object near it falls toward the depressed area. He argued that in the same way, a mass “warps” the space-time fabric such that objects near a large mass will fall towards it, such as the moon being pushed towards the earth. However, Einstein never explained how the mass causes the spacetime fabric to “warp”. Einstein modeled the universe as a two-dimensional plane being warped into a third dimension. In Einstein’s two-dimensional analogy, in order to warp the two-dimensional plane, you have to warp it down into a third dimension. The space compression theory models the universe as three-dimensional space being “compressed” or displaced into a 4th, 5th, and 6th spatial dimension, to explain how gravity is caused. Thus, the space compression theory predicts six or more spatial dimensions. This is described as follows. The 4th, 5th, and 6th spatial dimensions are a reservoir for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd spatial dimensions, and vice-versa.

Einstein’s 2-dimensional analogy of spacetime is incomplete because the mass on the flat membrane is applying the force on the membrane in a direction perpendicular to the membrane, requiring that the mass is in a higher dimension than the membrane, but in his analogy, the mass is supposedly in the same dimension as the membrane

Why a Higher Dimension Reservoir is Necessary

Is it possible to compress 3-dimensional space? Scientists believe that the smallest “volume”, of space is the Planck dimension. You cannot compress the smallest unit of space to be any smaller. The smallest unit of space is a “Quantum” of space. When a mass is introduced, it displaces the surrounding Quantum of space. However, the universe has a boundary, which a Quantum of space cannot penetrate. Therefore, when the mass displaces the surrounding Quantum of space, the Quantum of space cannot merely push the adjacent Quantum of space out of the way or compress it to be smaller. Therefore, the Quantum of space which is displaced is “squeezed” up into a 4th, 5th, and 6th spatial dimension. It is like pouring water into a glass. When you add water, the water already in the glass cannot move out of the way by moving through the boundary of the glass, so the unrestricted surface of the water will move up and displace air and space. Also note that the air above the water provides a pressure against the rising of the water.

Density of Spacetime Decreases as You Move Away from the Mass

Why does the compression of space-time vary based upon the distance away from the mass? Einstein models gravity, by placing a round mass on a restrained elastic membrane. The surface of the elastic membrane, which represents spacetime, is flexible and stretches when the round mass is placed upon it. In fact, in that analogy, the closer to the round mass, the more stretching. Therefore, there is more spacetime in the stretched area. (In the space compression theory, this stretching is caused by the compression of spacetime.) Also, this analogy assumes a boundary around the perimeter of the elastic membrane which keeps it stretched. Instead of the round-mass-on-membrane analogy, spacetime could be viewed as a uniform density cube of mattress foam. Imagine a foam cube 5’x5’x5’. If you put a bowling ball on top of it, there will be more deformity immediately below the bowling ball than at the bottom of the cube. So it makes sense that there would be more compression of spacetime near the mass than farther away. So spacetime must have a compression factor analogous to a spring constant or elasticity coefficient. Further, the mass could (1) compress space to a lesser and lesser degree all the way to the edge of the universe, or (2) the compression could taper off quicker to the point where space farther away is no longer affected. I believe in the second hypothesis and that the distance that the compression extends is based upon the amount of mass and some sort of compression/elasticity coefficient. Once the compression falls below a minimum “quantum” of force, it no longer has an effect on space farther away.

Consistent with Newton’s Gravity Equation

In the space compression theory, the gravitational force is directly proportional to the mass of the object because the more mass, the more space is displaced and the higher the compression of the space. As you move away from the mass, the compression of the space decreases, therefore, the gravitational force decreases. The distance away from the center of mass is given by the radius r. Therefore, the gravitational force is inversely proportional to r. Thus, the gravitational force “between” two bodies of mass would be F = G x M1/r1 x M2/r2 where G is the gravitational constant and r1 = r2. This simplifies to Newton’s gravity equation, which is F = G x M1 x M2/r2.

For an illustration, if a person is standing on the surface of the earth, the gravitational force is 1 G. If the earth was shrunk down to the size of the moon (however maintaining the same amount of mass), the gravitational force on the surface of the shrunken earth would be much higher. This is consistent with the gravity formula which says that for the same mass, if the earth is concentrated into a smaller sphere, the gravity at the surface of the earth would be greater because the distance between the person and the center of the earth is smaller. The explanation based upon the space compression theory is that the gravitational force on the surface of the more condensed earth is greater than at the surface of the normal size earth because with the more condensed earth, the same mass is pushing on a smaller surface area of the surrounding space, therefore, the space at the surface is being compressed more, so the gravity force is higher. In fact, there is an exact correlation between the force of gravity at the surface of the sphere and the surface area of the sphere. For example, if the earth was compressed so that its surface area was 100 times smaller, the force of gravity at the surface would be 100 times larger.

Slowing Time by Movement

Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity says that if you are moving faster relative to someone else, then your time slows down compared to the person that is moving slower than you. The faster you go, the more time slows down. This effect is minimal until you approach the speed of light, which is why we don’t notice it in our everyday lives. If one is moving very rapidly, for example in a rocket in outer space, besides time slowing down, the rocket ship, your body, and space itself is compressed along the direction of motion. An observer watching you go past at close to light speed will see you and your rocket ship as compressed, because he is viewing you in his less-compressed space. You, who are traveling at close to light speed, will not see yourself as compressed because your space is compressed, meaning, your space is larger and thus your body appears normal length to you. Also, time will appear to be passing normally for you.

Slowing Time by Gravity

According to physicists, if you positioned yourself just above the event horizon of a black hole, where you would be subjected to intense gravitational forces, gravity would cause your time to slow down. This is called gravitational time dilation. In the section above, we discussed how time slows down the faster you go. Now we see that gravity also slows down time, even if you are not moving.

So, What’s the Connection?

So, what is the connection between speed and gravity that they can both slow down time? The common physical condition is the compression of space. According to the Theory of Special Relativity, the faster you go, space is compressed in the direction of travel. According to the Space Compression Theory, space is compressed in the vicinity of a black hole. So why does the compression of space cause time to slow down? Light always travels at the same speed in a vacuum, c, 186,000 miles per second. When light travels in an area of “space” with less space, such as far away from an object with mass, light does not have to travel as far so it requires less time, therefore, time does not need to slow down. When light travels in an area with more space, such as near a black hole, where space has been compressed, light must travel farther, so it needs more time, so time must slow down. The higher the compression of space = the more space = the more time must slow down.

Consistent with the Equivalence Principle of Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity

Einstein’s general theory of relatively says that a reference frame subject to gravity is equivalent to a reference frame which is accelerating but not subject to gravity. So, in other words, the force of gravity is equivalent to a force caused by acceleration. Acceleration is where something is moving at a velocity that is increasing with time. At constant velocity (zero acceleration), a moving body will travel the same distance for each successive measure of time. An accelerating body will travel an increasing distance for each successive measure of time. The force of gravity, according to Newton’s equation, is F = G xM1xM2/r2. Why is the force of gravity inversely proportional to the distance between the bodies squared? In other words, why is it that the closer a falling body gets to the earth, the stronger the gravitational force is? In other words, why is it that the closer the falling body gets to the earth, the more distance it covers for each successive measure of time? It is because the closer the falling body gets to the earth, the more space is compressed, which means the more space the body must travel through.

Consistent with the Einstein Field Equation

Einstein’s law of spacetime warpage, the “Einstein Field Equation”, states that “mass and pressure warp spacetime”. Einstein added together the strengths of the curvature along all three directions; east-west, north-south, and up-down. Einstein’s field equation states that the sum of the strengths of these three curvatures is proportional to the density of mass in the particle’s vicinity (multiplied by the speed of light squared to convert it into a density of energy, plus 3 times the pressure of matter in the particle’s vicinity). Einstein stated that the spacetime warpage is due almost entirely to mass. According to the space compression theory, space is compressed in three dimensions. This corresponds to the Einstein Field Equation which states that there is “curvature” in 3 directions (dimensions).

Consistent with Quantum Mechanics

Quantum mechanics states that everything is subject to the quantum fluctuations inherent in the Heisenberg uncertainty principal, even the gravitational field. Although classical physics implies that empty space has zero gravitational field, quantum mechanics shows that although on average it is zero, its actual value undulates up and down due to quantum fluctuations. This severe “warpage” of space no longer resembles a gently curving geometrical object such as the elastic membrane analogy used by Einstein. The notion of a smooth spatial geometry, the central principle of Einstein’s general relativity, is destroyed by the violent fluctuations of the quantum world on short distance scales. Physicists believe that on ultramicroscopic scales, the central feature of quantum mechanics, the uncertainty principal, is in direct conflict with the central feature of general relativity, the smooth geometrical model of spacetime. They conclude that therefore, quantum mechanics and the general relativity model of gravity are incompatible.

However, the space compression theory is compatible with quantum mechanics. The space compression theory does not rely on a smooth geometrical model of spacetime. According to the space compression theory, if mass in the form of a particle or energy appears in “empty” space, that mass will almost instantly compress the space around it and create a gravitational force. As soon as the mass disappears, the gravitational force also disappears. Therefore, quantum fluctuations in gravity are compatible with the space compression theory. Moreover, the uncertainty principle tells us that the size of the undulations of the gravitational field get larger as we focus our attention on smaller regions of space. That is consistent with the gravitation equation which states that as the distance to the mass gets smaller, the gravitational force increases.

Consistent with the Discovery of Gravitational Waves

The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) has detected gravitational waves. Gravitational waves are consistent with the space compression theory. If the “density” of the space around an object suddenly changes, it will send out a gravitational wave, just like an exploding bomb will send out a sound wave and a shock wave. Light is a transverse wave, meaning that the particles of the wave move up and down. Sound is a longitudinal wave, meaning that the particles of the wave move back and forth. Some scientists predict that gravity waves are transverse waves. I don’t know if LIGO was able to determine whether the waves were transverse or longitudinal. According to the space compression theory, I would expect gravity waves to be neither transverse nor longitudinal because as they pass by, the matter is affected in all 3 dimensions.

Consistent with the NASA Warp Drive

NASA is supposedly working on a method to achieve faster than light travel. It is called “warp drive”. According to NASA scientist Dr. Harold White, the spaceship would create a “warp bubble” which causes the space in front of the spaceship to compress and the space behind the spaceship would expand, resulting in spacetime moving around the spaceship without it actually moving. Dr. Whiter says “Remember, nothing logically exceeds the speed of light, but space can expand and contract at any speed.” Therefore, NASA scientists agree that spacetime can be compressed.

Acceleration of the Expansion of the Universe

Many scientists believe that the expansion of the universe is accelerating. However, they cannot reconcile this with gravity because they believe the force of gravity should prohibit acceleration and actually slow down the expansion, not accelerate it. However, based upon the space compression theory, the space pressure gradient surrounding a mass diminishes in proportion to the distance away from the mass and when the pressure falls below the smallest quantum of allowable pressure, the gravity force caused by the mass becomes zero at that distance. In other words, the gravitational force caused by a mass does not extend infinitely out into the universe. It only reaches out beyond the mass a finite amount proportional to the mass. So, if there is not enough mass in the universe to overcome the acceleration, the mass cannot stop it. Therefore, the space compression theory is compatible with an accelerating universe.

Conflict in the Rate of Expansion of the Universe

Scientists believe that the expansion of the universe is accelerating. However, there is disagreement as to the rate of expansion of the universe. This is referred to as a “Conflict in Cosmology”. In order to calculate an expansion rate, scientists look at a bright object in space, such as a distant galaxy or a supernova, and attempt to calculate the rate at which that object is moving away from the earth. In order to do this, the scientists must know the distance of the object from the earth. In order to do this, they calculate the distance of objects in our solar system, then the distance to other stars, then the distance to a close galaxy, then the distance to farther galaxies. This is known as the Cosmic Distance Ladder. If any rung on this ladder is incorrect, then the calculation will be incorrect. In essence, the scientists must know how much space there is between the bright object and the earth. According to the space compression theory, the amount of space near a mass is larger than the amount of space farther away from a mass. Therefore, in order to calculate the amount of space between the earth and the bright object, the scientists would have to account for the increase in space caused by all mass between the earth and the bright object. If this is not done, then the calculation will not be accurate, and the Cosmic Distance Ladder collapses. This is one of the reasons there is a “Conflict in Cosmology”.

Consistent with the Concept of White Holes

Immediately after Einstein’s general theory of relativity was published, it was read by Karl Schwarzschild, who immediately set out to discover what predictions Einstein’s new gravitational laws might make about stars. First, he calculated the spacetime curvature outside a star and then the spacetime curvature inside a star. These calculations are referred to as “Schwarzschild Geometry”. Scientists speculate that, based upon Schwarzschild Geometry, there could exist the opposite of a black hole, which they refer to as a “White Hole”. Whereas matter is sucked into a black hole, matter is ejected out of a white hole. Whereas no matter or light can escape out of a black hole (except for Hawking radiation), no matter or light can enter a white hole. In the space compression theory, 3-dimensional space is compressed up into the 4th, 5th, and 6th higher dimensions. When the matter causing the compression is removed, that space can flow back into the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd dimensions. The point is that space can flow back and forth between the dimensions. It could be possible that when a black hole forms in the first 3 dimensions, some of the matter flows out through a “white hole” in the higher dimensions.

Gravity is not Caused by the Flow of Time

Some scientists are now proposing that gravity is caused by the flow of time. They argue that every object takes up more than one point in space and that, based upon gravitational time dilation, the part of the object farther away from another mass will move through space at a faster rate than the part of the object closer to the other mass. This unequal movement between the top and bottom of the object supposedly causes it to rotate towards the other mass. In other words, the unequal movement between the top and bottom of the object develops a movement vector perpendicular to the other mass, which they claim is gravity. This is false. This theory does not explain what causes gravitational time dilation in the first place. The fact is that, as explained previously, gravity causes the time dilation, not the other way around.


The scientific community is at an impasse regarding the true nature of gravity. Solving this impasse is necessary to better understand other scientific principles and facilitate the progress of understanding the universe that we live in. I acknowledge that my theory is not complete, however, I present this theory as a basis for further thought. Perhaps my entire theory is false, or perhaps parts of it are correct. I respectfully present my ideas to the scientific community for consideration. If my theory is physically impossible, I would appreciate an explanation as to why so that I can direct my thoughts in another direction.

Thank you.
Unfortunately, time has only allowed a quick scan. But maybe a few comments although my credentials are almost non-existent :)
The 3D picture of a gravity well is - as you know - an analogy to help envisage what is a 4D space (in my view, but spacetime as per standard). Whatever; 4 dimensional. The point is that GR is about the shape of space. It works.

The space compression idea also works as an analogy - in some ways at least. The analogies are useful as ideas eg of space 'flowing' to cause gravity.

The Elephant in the room though (an overworked phrase but explanatory) is that the mathematics work. The universe is described accurately by Einstein and his theories.
How does compressed space change the calculations? If not at all then maybe it is a valid concept (?)
Space Compression/Higher Dimension Reservoir Theory of Gravity

Most people think of “space” as an empty void of nothingness in which matter and energy can exist. Einstein proved that “space” is actually “something” which, together with time, forms the spacetime fabric of our universe. Scientists believe that gravity is caused by the “curvature” or “warping” of this spacetime fabric, due almost solely to MASS. However, they still treat gravity as an attractive force. Scientists have not yet determined WHY mass “curves” or “warps” the spacetime fabric. If the spacetime fabric can be “curved” or “warped” it can also be compressed. In fact, I propose that the proper model is not that spacetime can be “curved” or “warped”, but that it can be compressed. My theory of gravity is that when you have an object, such as the earth, the physical mass and energy of the matter that makes up the earth displaces the space that was originally there, pushing it outward away from the earth and thus compressing the space in the vicinity of the earth. The key to my theory is that when space is compressed by mass, the amount of space around the mass (such as the earth) actually increases, not decreases. For example, if you take air and compress it into a basketball, you have more air in the ball than before you started. Likewise, when you compress space in an area, you have more space in that area than before. Since there is more space close to the earth and less space farther away, there is a pressure gradient created which pushes objects towards the earth. This is gravity. Gravity is really caused by a space pressure gradient. Gravity is not a fundamental force (if there is such a thing) it is an emergent force. It is not an attraction force, it is a pushing force.

Einstein’s space warpage model depicts the universe as a two-dimensional plane being “warped” down into a third dimension. He envisioned a round mass sitting in the middle of a restrained elastic membrane. The round mass depresses and stretches the fabric of the membrane such that any object near it falls toward the depressed area. He argued that in the same way, a mass “warps” the space-time fabric such that objects near a large mass will fall towards it, such as the moon being pushed towards the earth. However, Einstein never explained how the mass causes the spacetime fabric to “warp”. Einstein modeled the universe as a two-dimensional plane being warped into a third dimension. In Einstein’s two-dimensional analogy, in order to warp the two-dimensional plane, you have to warp it down into a third dimension. The space compression theory models the universe as three-dimensional space being “compressed” or displaced into a 4th, 5th, and 6th spatial dimension, to explain how gravity is caused. Thus, the space compression theory predicts six or more spatial dimensions. This is described as follows. The 4th, 5th, and 6th spatial dimensions are a reservoir for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd spatial dimensions, and vice-versa.

Einstein’s 2-dimensional analogy of spacetime is incomplete because the mass on the flat membrane is applying the force on the membrane in a direction perpendicular to the membrane, requiring that the mass is in a higher dimension than the membrane, but in his analogy, the mass is supposedly in the same dimension as the membrane

Why a Higher Dimension Reservoir is Necessary

Is it possible to compress 3-dimensional space? Scientists believe that the smallest “volume”, of space is the Planck dimension. You cannot compress the smallest unit of space to be any smaller. The smallest unit of space is a “Quantum” of space. When a mass is introduced, it displaces the surrounding Quantum of space. However, the universe has a boundary, which a Quantum of space cannot penetrate. Therefore, when the mass displaces the surrounding Quantum of space, the Quantum of space cannot merely push the adjacent Quantum of space out of the way or compress it to be smaller. Therefore, the Quantum of space which is displaced is “squeezed” up into a 4th, 5th, and 6th spatial dimension. It is like pouring water into a glass. When you add water, the water already in the glass cannot move out of the way by moving through the boundary of the glass, so the unrestricted surface of the water will move up and displace air and space. Also note that the air above the water provides a pressure against the rising of the water.

Density of Spacetime Decreases as You Move Away from the Mass

Why does the compression of space-time vary based upon the distance away from the mass? Einstein models gravity, by placing a round mass on a restrained elastic membrane. The surface of the elastic membrane, which represents spacetime, is flexible and stretches when the round mass is placed upon it. In fact, in that analogy, the closer to the round mass, the more stretching. Therefore, there is more spacetime in the stretched area. (In the space compression theory, this stretching is caused by the compression of spacetime.) Also, this analogy assumes a boundary around the perimeter of the elastic membrane which keeps it stretched. Instead of the round-mass-on-membrane analogy, spacetime could be viewed as a uniform density cube of mattress foam. Imagine a foam cube 5’x5’x5’. If you put a bowling ball on top of it, there will be more deformity immediately below the bowling ball than at the bottom of the cube. So it makes sense that there would be more compression of spacetime near the mass than farther away. So spacetime must have a compression factor analogous to a spring constant or elasticity coefficient. Further, the mass could (1) compress space to a lesser and lesser degree all the way to the edge of the universe, or (2) the compression could taper off quicker to the point where space farther away is no longer affected. I believe in the second hypothesis and that the distance that the compression extends is based upon the amount of mass and some sort of compression/elasticity coefficient. Once the compression falls below a minimum “quantum” of force, it no longer has an effect on space farther away.

Consistent with Newton’s Gravity Equation

In the space compression theory, the gravitational force is directly proportional to the mass of the object because the more mass, the more space is displaced and the higher the compression of the space. As you move away from the mass, the compression of the space decreases, therefore, the gravitational force decreases. The distance away from the center of mass is given by the radius r. Therefore, the gravitational force is inversely proportional to r. Thus, the gravitational force “between” two bodies of mass would be F = G x M1/r1 x M2/r2 where G is the gravitational constant and r1 = r2. This simplifies to Newton’s gravity equation, which is F = G x M1 x M2/r2.

For an illustration, if a person is standing on the surface of the earth, the gravitational force is 1 G. If the earth was shrunk down to the size of the moon (however maintaining the same amount of mass), the gravitational force on the surface of the shrunken earth would be much higher. This is consistent with the gravity formula which says that for the same mass, if the earth is concentrated into a smaller sphere, the gravity at the surface of the earth would be greater because the distance between the person and the center of the earth is smaller. The explanation based upon the space compression theory is that the gravitational force on the surface of the more condensed earth is greater than at the surface of the normal size earth because with the more condensed earth, the same mass is pushing on a smaller surface area of the surrounding space, therefore, the space at the surface is being compressed more, so the gravity force is higher. In fact, there is an exact correlation between the force of gravity at the surface of the sphere and the surface area of the sphere. For example, if the earth was compressed so that its surface area was 100 times smaller, the force of gravity at the surface would be 100 times larger.

Slowing Time by Movement

Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity says that if you are moving faster relative to someone else, then your time slows down compared to the person that is moving slower than you. The faster you go, the more time slows down. This effect is minimal until you approach the speed of light, which is why we don’t notice it in our everyday lives. If one is moving very rapidly, for example in a rocket in outer space, besides time slowing down, the rocket ship, your body, and space itself is compressed along the direction of motion. An observer watching you go past at close to light speed will see you and your rocket ship as compressed, because he is viewing you in his less-compressed space. You, who are traveling at close to light speed, will not see yourself as compressed because your space is compressed, meaning, your space is larger and thus your body appears normal length to you. Also, time will appear to be passing normally for you.

Slowing Time by Gravity

According to physicists, if you positioned yourself just above the event horizon of a black hole, where you would be subjected to intense gravitational forces, gravity would cause your time to slow down. This is called gravitational time dilation. In the section above, we discussed how time slows down the faster you go. Now we see that gravity also slows down time, even if you are not moving.

So, What’s the Connection?

So, what is the connection between speed and gravity that they can both slow down time? The common physical condition is the compression of space. According to the Theory of Special Relativity, the faster you go, space is compressed in the direction of travel. According to the Space Compression Theory, space is compressed in the vicinity of a black hole. So why does the compression of space cause time to slow down? Light always travels at the same speed in a vacuum, c, 186,000 miles per second. When light travels in an area of “space” with less space, such as far away from an object with mass, light does not have to travel as far so it requires less time, therefore, time does not need to slow down. When light travels in an area with more space, such as near a black hole, where space has been compressed, light must travel farther, so it needs more time, so time must slow down. The higher the compression of space = the more space = the more time must slow down.

Consistent with the Equivalence Principle of Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity

Einstein’s general theory of relatively says that a reference frame subject to gravity is equivalent to a reference frame which is accelerating but not subject to gravity. So, in other words, the force of gravity is equivalent to a force caused by acceleration. Acceleration is where something is moving at a velocity that is increasing with time. At constant velocity (zero acceleration), a moving body will travel the same distance for each successive measure of time. An accelerating body will travel an increasing distance for each successive measure of time. The force of gravity, according to Newton’s equation, is F = G xM1xM2/r2. Why is the force of gravity inversely proportional to the distance between the bodies squared? In other words, why is it that the closer a falling body gets to the earth, the stronger the gravitational force is? In other words, why is it that the closer the falling body gets to the earth, the more distance it covers for each successive measure of time? It is because the closer the falling body gets to the earth, the more space is compressed, which means the more space the body must travel through.

Consistent with the Einstein Field Equation

Einstein’s law of spacetime warpage, the “Einstein Field Equation”, states that “mass and pressure warp spacetime”. Einstein added together the strengths of the curvature along all three directions; east-west, north-south, and up-down. Einstein’s field equation states that the sum of the strengths of these three curvatures is proportional to the density of mass in the particle’s vicinity (multiplied by the speed of light squared to convert it into a density of energy, plus 3 times the pressure of matter in the particle’s vicinity). Einstein stated that the spacetime warpage is due almost entirely to mass. According to the space compression theory, space is compressed in three dimensions. This corresponds to the Einstein Field Equation which states that there is “curvature” in 3 directions (dimensions).

Consistent with Quantum Mechanics

Quantum mechanics states that everything is subject to the quantum fluctuations inherent in the Heisenberg uncertainty principal, even the gravitational field. Although classical physics implies that empty space has zero gravitational field, quantum mechanics shows that although on average it is zero, its actual value undulates up and down due to quantum fluctuations. This severe “warpage” of space no longer resembles a gently curving geometrical object such as the elastic membrane analogy used by Einstein. The notion of a smooth spatial geometry, the central principle of Einstein’s general relativity, is destroyed by the violent fluctuations of the quantum world on short distance scales. Physicists believe that on ultramicroscopic scales, the central feature of quantum mechanics, the uncertainty principal, is in direct conflict with the central feature of general relativity, the smooth geometrical model of spacetime. They conclude that therefore, quantum mechanics and the general relativity model of gravity are incompatible.

However, the space compression theory is compatible with quantum mechanics. The space compression theory does not rely on a smooth geometrical model of spacetime. According to the space compression theory, if mass in the form of a particle or energy appears in “empty” space, that mass will almost instantly compress the space around it and create a gravitational force. As soon as the mass disappears, the gravitational force also disappears. Therefore, quantum fluctuations in gravity are compatible with the space compression theory. Moreover, the uncertainty principle tells us that the size of the undulations of the gravitational field get larger as we focus our attention on smaller regions of space. That is consistent with the gravitation equation which states that as the distance to the mass gets smaller, the gravitational force increases.

Consistent with the Discovery of Gravitational Waves

The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) has detected gravitational waves. Gravitational waves are consistent with the space compression theory. If the “density” of the space around an object suddenly changes, it will send out a gravitational wave, just like an exploding bomb will send out a sound wave and a shock wave. Light is a transverse wave, meaning that the particles of the wave move up and down. Sound is a longitudinal wave, meaning that the particles of the wave move back and forth. Some scientists predict that gravity waves are transverse waves. I don’t know if LIGO was able to determine whether the waves were transverse or longitudinal. According to the space compression theory, I would expect gravity waves to be neither transverse nor longitudinal because as they pass by, the matter is affected in all 3 dimensions.

Consistent with the NASA Warp Drive

NASA is supposedly working on a method to achieve faster than light travel. It is called “warp drive”. According to NASA scientist Dr. Harold White, the spaceship would create a “warp bubble” which causes the space in front of the spaceship to compress and the space behind the spaceship would expand, resulting in spacetime moving around the spaceship without it actually moving. Dr. Whiter says “Remember, nothing logically exceeds the speed of light, but space can expand and contract at any speed.” Therefore, NASA scientists agree that spacetime can be compressed.

Acceleration of the Expansion of the Universe

Many scientists believe that the expansion of the universe is accelerating. However, they cannot reconcile this with gravity because they believe the force of gravity should prohibit acceleration and actually slow down the expansion, not accelerate it. However, based upon the space compression theory, the space pressure gradient surrounding a mass diminishes in proportion to the distance away from the mass and when the pressure falls below the smallest quantum of allowable pressure, the gravity force caused by the mass becomes zero at that distance. In other words, the gravitational force caused by a mass does not extend infinitely out into the universe. It only reaches out beyond the mass a finite amount proportional to the mass. So, if there is not enough mass in the universe to overcome the acceleration, the mass cannot stop it. Therefore, the space compression theory is compatible with an accelerating universe.

Conflict in the Rate of Expansion of the Universe

Scientists believe that the expansion of the universe is accelerating. However, there is disagreement as to the rate of expansion of the universe. This is referred to as a “Conflict in Cosmology”. In order to calculate an expansion rate, scientists look at a bright object in space, such as a distant galaxy or a supernova, and attempt to calculate the rate at which that object is moving away from the earth. In order to do this, the scientists must know the distance of the object from the earth. In order to do this, they calculate the distance of objects in our solar system, then the distance to other stars, then the distance to a close galaxy, then the distance to farther galaxies. This is known as the Cosmic Distance Ladder. If any rung on this ladder is incorrect, then the calculation will be incorrect. In essence, the scientists must know how much space there is between the bright object and the earth. According to the space compression theory, the amount of space near a mass is larger than the amount of space farther away from a mass. Therefore, in order to calculate the amount of space between the earth and the bright object, the scientists would have to account for the increase in space caused by all mass between the earth and the bright object. If this is not done, then the calculation will not be accurate, and the Cosmic Distance Ladder collapses. This is one of the reasons there is a “Conflict in Cosmology”.

Consistent with the Concept of White Holes

Immediately after Einstein’s general theory of relativity was published, it was read by Karl Schwarzschild, who immediately set out to discover what predictions Einstein’s new gravitational laws might make about stars. First, he calculated the spacetime curvature outside a star and then the spacetime curvature inside a star. These calculations are referred to as “Schwarzschild Geometry”. Scientists speculate that, based upon Schwarzschild Geometry, there could exist the opposite of a black hole, which they refer to as a “White Hole”. Whereas matter is sucked into a black hole, matter is ejected out of a white hole. Whereas no matter or light can escape out of a black hole (except for Hawking radiation), no matter or light can enter a white hole. In the space compression theory, 3-dimensional space is compressed up into the 4th, 5th, and 6th higher dimensions. When the matter causing the compression is removed, that space can flow back into the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd dimensions. The point is that space can flow back and forth between the dimensions. It could be possible that when a black hole forms in the first 3 dimensions, some of the matter flows out through a “white hole” in the higher dimensions.

Gravity is not Caused by the Flow of Time

Some scientists are now proposing that gravity is caused by the flow of time. They argue that every object takes up more than one point in space and that, based upon gravitational time dilation, the part of the object farther away from another mass will move through space at a faster rate than the part of the object closer to the other mass. This unequal movement between the top and bottom of the object supposedly causes it to rotate towards the other mass. In other words, the unequal movement between the top and bottom of the object develops a movement vector perpendicular to the other mass, which they claim is gravity. This is false. This theory does not explain what causes gravitational time dilation in the first place. The fact is that, as explained previously, gravity causes the time dilation, not the other way around.


The scientific community is at an impasse regarding the true nature of gravity. Solving this impasse is necessary to better understand other scientific principles and facilitate the progress of understanding the universe that we live in. I acknowledge that my theory is not complete, however, I present this theory as a basis for further thought. Perhaps my entire theory is false, or perhaps parts of it are correct. I respectfully present my ideas to the scientific community for consideration. If my theory is physically impossible, I would appreciate an explanation as to why so that I can direct my thoughts in another direction.

Thank you.
" If the spacetime fabric can be “curved” or “warped” it can also be compressed." Prove it. Prove it!!! Just because space time is called a fabric, that does NOT mean it is a fabric-like object. You are misled by this, to state that this physical 'fabric' can be compressed. The General Theory says no such thing. Get out the field equations and prove this. If you can't/won't, then your whole argument falls apart and should be removed from consideration.
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Oct 31, 2024
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Unfortunately, time has only allowed a quick scan. But maybe a few comments although my credentials are almost non-existent :)
The 3D picture of a gravity well is - as you know - an analogy to help envisage what is a 4D space (in my view, but spacetime as per standard). Whatever; 4 dimensional. The point is that GR is about the shape of space. It works.

The space compression idea also works as an analogy - in some ways at least. The analogies are useful as ideas eg of space 'flowing' to cause gravity.

The Elephant in the room though (an overworked phrase but explanatory) is that the mathematics work. The universe is described accurately by Einstein and his theories.
How does compressed space change the calculations? If not at all then maybe it is a valid concept (?)
Thank you for your consideration. I am not a good enough mathematician to answer your question. However, I would point out that scientists also believed that Newton's formulas accurately modeled gravity. Therefore, just because Einstein's equations model gravity to a more accurate degree than Newton's equations, that doesn't mean there isn't more. Newton himself stated that he did not understand what caused gravity. Einstein also never explained what causes gravity. Einstein never explained why a mass should "curve" space. Until this is understood, there is a huge hole in our physical understanding. I am just trying to propose an idea because the concept of gravity that scientists are using at the moment isn't working.
Oct 31, 2024
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" If the spacetime fabric can be “curved” or “warped” it can also be compressed." Prove it. Prove it!!! Just because space time is called a fabric, that does NOT mean it is a fabric-like object. You are misled by this, to state that this physical 'fabric' can be compressed. The General Theory says no such thing. Get out the field equations and prove this. If you can't/won't, then your whole argument falls apart and should be removed from consideration.
Thank you for your consideration. Please explain to me your theory as to what causes a mass to "curve" space. Also, your position that a new idea should not be considered just because the current mathematical model does not seem to support it would extremely hinder the advancement of science. I would point out that scientists also believed that Newton's formulas accurately modeled gravity. Therefore, just because Einstein's equations model gravity to a more accurate degree than Newton's equations, that doesn't mean there isn't more. Newton himself stated that he did not understand what caused gravity. Einstein also never explained what causes gravity. Einstein never explained why a mass should "curve" space. Until this is understood, there is a huge hole in our physical understanding. I am just trying to propose an idea because the concept of gravity that scientists are using at the moment isn't working.
Apr 1, 2022
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" If the spacetime fabric can be “curved” or “warped” it can also be compressed." Prove it. Prove it!!! Just because space time is called a fabric, that does NOT mean it is a fabric-like object. You are misled by this, to state that this physical 'fabric' can be compressed. The General Theory says no such thing. Get out the field equations and prove this. If you can't/won't, then your whole argument falls apart and should be removed from consideration.
IMO space/time compression is one in the same as warped or curved, which is what you see when you apply a lorentz transformation. Distances (aka space) contract, or compress, or warp or curve or whatever you want to call it and become shorter, smaller, more compressed the closer you get to mass.
Lorentz contraction is an optical illusion due to the finite speed of light. The item itself does not contract in its own reference frame.
Whilst true I wonder if it would be worth an argument, er discussion, conjecture, re Absolutes in the universe. In the context of your statement, there just might be (let's say) justification in considering whether or not the universe has a preferred reference frame.

I remember years ago a comment from someone with some authority stating that stirred water in a bucket showed justification for arguing the universe did have absolutes - something to do with the fact that the water in the centre showed a dip. Why this should do so I have no idea but maybe there is a case to answer.

If so, the Lorentz Contraction might be considered real in the eyes of the universe. I realise I may be talking nonsense but...
There is an absolute reference frame for velocity, referenced to CMBR. There is no such absolute for position, every position sees itself at the center of the visible universe.
So, given there is a reference frame for velocity it follows there must be an At Rest Frame (it's the same thing of course). It must follow (I think) that Time also has a reference frame as time is a component of velocity. Presumably called the Cosmic Time or Proper Time.

Both velocity and time must be stated relative to the CMB reference frame. Locally both velocity and time may be affected by mass (gravity) which although a complication does not invalidate the concept of a rest frame for both velocity and time.

If time can have a reference frame can all of Special Relativity be plotted against it?
Every observer has an absolute reference for the rate at which time passes since every observer's clock runs at the same rate as measured locally. Any two observers with a relative velocity will see each other's clock run slow. But that is only an illusion from afar. It is also valid under SR only in non-accelerating reference frames, thus there is no way to stop somewhere and compare clocks. With acceleration, GR gives different results but I don't know what they are.
Every observer has an absolute reference for the rate at which time passes since every observer's clock runs at the same rate as measured locally. Any two observers with a relative velocity will see each other's clock run slow. But that is only an illusion from afar. It is also valid under SR only in non-accelerating reference frames, thus there is no way to stop somewhere and compare clocks. With acceleration, GR gives different results but I don't know what they are.
Yes, but
It is much easier to understand and compare with GR if we think of the dilation (you said "Any two observers with a relative velocity will see each other's clock run slow") as rotation. i.e. not a spin rotation, lol but a rotation of each other's geometry in a direction in line with each other.

Spacetime Physics (Wheeler & Taylor) describes this alternative visualisation. Imagine a cube rotating away from you; the horizontal would be shorter. My point here is that the effect of speed in SR is not illusional.

That said; back to the issue of Absoluteness of time and velocity from the point of view of the whole universe, can the dilation from speed be referenced to a stationary reference frame for the universe as a whole?
I don't understand GR thus I am unable to comment on any GR point.

That each observer sees themselves as unchanged proves that time dilation and Lorentz contraction are illusions seen only by an external observer.

And, yes, the CMBR gives every observer in the universe an absolute reference for their own speed. There is no such absolute reference for location, every person has their own reference for location. No two are the same.
I believe that's ones own velocity(or gravity) effects ones own time ticker. The measuring clock changes, not the observed clock. All this will cease when we produce a stable clock. A rotational clock. But the stable clock will still give us a illusion measurement, because of angle and interaction duration.
My interpretation of Special and General Relativity. Please note that the illustrations apply equally to time and length dilation (assertion).

My suggestion is that reference frame A could be considered as "Absolute stationary" with respect to the Total Universe
Similarly in GR illustrated below The reference frame could be generalised to be Absolute

Maybe (?)
But anyway, neither are illusions I think, provided that "Absolute" is real


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Thank you for your consideration. I am not a good enough mathematician to answer your question. However, I would point out that scientists also believed that Newton's formulas accurately modeled gravity. Therefore, just because Einstein's equations model gravity to a more accurate degree than Newton's equations, that doesn't mean there isn't more. Newton himself stated that he did not understand what caused gravity. Einstein also never explained what causes gravity. Einstein never explained why a mass should "curve" space. Until this is understood, there is a huge hole in our physical understanding. I am just trying to propose an idea because the concept of gravity that scientists are using at the moment isn't working.
Your idea has much in common with a theorem proposed by a man whose first name escapes me, but I recall his surname being le'Sage.
He proposed the existence of an expansive force which was caused by what he called Ultra mundane corpuscles. The existence of these particles was pure speculation, but if you, were to use dark energy as a substitute for them, the overall effect would be the same.

in le'sages theory the ultra mundane corpuscles exert an expansive force in all directions, but they have difficulty penetrating, or can even be blocked, by large dense bodies of baryonic matter, this could mean there would be a volume of space surrounding objects with mass, where only the incoming corpuscles exerted a force This would result in objects with mass being pushed, rather than pulled together,

Wikipedia has a page about le'sage gravitation which probably describes it better than I have, if you haven't already done so, it is worth perusing as it may offer you some inspiration, Enjoy your science, and don't let the hubris which is rampant in scientific circles spoil that enjoyment.
Nov 20, 2024
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Most people think of “space” as an empty void of nothingness in which matter and energy can exist. Einstein proved that “space” is actually “something” which, together with time, forms the spacetime fabric of our universe. Scientists believe that gravity is caused by the “curvature” or “warping” of this spacetime fabric, due almost solely to MASS. However, they still treat gravity as an attractive force. Scientists have not yet determined WHY mass “curves” or “warps” the spacetime fabric. If the spacetime fabric can be “curved” or “warped” it can also be compressed.
Einstein did not prove anything, he only proposed a model of the material world, which was based on a geometric representation of physical reality. There are a lot of controversial points and a lot of fantasy in his SRT and GRT. What is space and what is time? According to the available concepts, space is not a grid on which balls lie, and which can bend under the influence of gravity of these balls. It is all the more absurd to talk about time warping.
According to the available concepts, space is not a grid on which balls lie, and which can bend under the influence of gravity of these balls. It is all the more absurd to talk about time warping.
These are just analogy-type illustrations to help our feeble human minds understand. They are best considered limited tools for probing concepts beyond our everyday experience and limited perception.

We should not take them too literally but must try to use them to help discover a reality we are ignorant of. Mostly they are simple devices to help us minions conceive what seems obvious to some Cosmologists and Physicists
Nov 20, 2024
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I understand that these are just models, but they speak of a complete disregard for the physical reality of the authors of these models. The big drawback of Einstein's theories is the belief that reality can be adjusted to mathematical formulas. The geometrization of the material world is too crude and controversial a model.
I understand that these are just models, but they speak of a complete disregard for the physical reality of the authors of these models. The big drawback of Einstein's theories is the belief that reality can be adjusted to mathematical formulas. The geometrization of the material world is too crude and controversial a model.
Physicists have spent over 100 years looking for errors in the mathematical formulae of Einstein. None have been found including the probing at a black hole singularity or the Big Band. If an equation says to divide by nought this means it cannot compute. It doesn't mean infinity; it means the sum cannot be done because there is no sum.

General relativity tells us that space and time are intertwined into space-time, and they're heavily influenced by matter and energy. Basically, space-time isn't some separate backdrop where stuff happens; it's actually shaped and bent by the matter and energy within it. So, wherever you find matter and energy, they affect space-time, and vice versa. This has been backed up by loads of observations and experiments over the years, so it's pretty solid science.
The big problem with (materialist) Dr. Samuel Johnson's kicking the stone to dispute and refute (immaterialist) Bishop George Berkeley is that both were right, thus both wrong, regarding materialism and immaterialism, per Erwin Schrodinger's cat and Werner Heisenberg's principle of uncertainty (aka "the principle of indeterminacy").
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Nov 20, 2024
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Physicists have spent over 100 years looking for errors in the mathematical formulae of Einstein. None have been found including the probing at a black hole singularity or the Big Band. If an equation says to divide by nought this means it cannot compute. It doesn't mean infinity; it means the sum cannot be done because there is no sum.
I'm talking about something else. I'm not talking about the equations themselves, but about the applicability of these equations to properly explain the real world. In mathematics, there are many such formulas and equations, as well as concepts that do not occur in real life and are just an abstraction. So Einstein's equations are just an abstraction.Well, about the singularity, how do you imagine it?
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I'm talking about something else. I'm not talking about the equations themselves, but about the applicability of these equations to properly explain the real world. In mathematics, there are many such formulas and equations, as well as concepts that do not occur in real life and are just an abstraction. So Einstein's equations are just an abstraction.Well, about the singularity, how do you imagine it?
I like a lot of your post above but disagree most strongly with the idea that Einstein's equations are an abstraction although I would have sympathy if you said 'in the way some are interpreted'. But I am nobody nor in any way qualified to argue the point. But I can take a shot at the idea that his equations 'break down' at the singularity. They do not, simply because they do not compute there.

I do not think there is a singularity. I have posted quite a lot of opinion (with diagrams) on this subject. But a fair question and I will give an answer but it will need explanation.

  • You need to understand what time is ( a process in 4D space)
  • Time acts at right angles to space - always
  • Space bends (it is definitely not flat)
  • At a black hole space is bent bigtime
  • Approaching the smallest size possible but not a singularity its spatial shape is mirrored to a white hole but now time is acting to expand (at right angles to space) instead of 'compressing' at right angles to space toward the supposed singularity
  • In some sense time can be thought of as a force pushing space (Dark Energy I suppose)
Well you did ask , lol !! Similar to Roger Penrose's ideas but with loads more substance and logic ....;) And more originally creative, haha