Space news writers required.

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In the coming weeks I want to take the NSF site up a gear, which means more news for starters. <br /><br />You can see from the forum layout on there what sort of areas we're covering and you don't need to be a fantastic writers. Quote based news info is what people want to read, not some amazingly written column that basically only communicates his own opinion. <br /><br />You'll get to pick what you cover, there's no minimum requirement, I'll be able to help you get in touch with relevant people to talk to (when needed). It'll range from taking quotes from press conferences to actually collating a story from a source etc. <br /><br />You'll be accredited, get your own e-mail address (if you want it) as an official of the site etc.etc. and we are looking to create a team that will become part of a paid structure eventually. <br /><br />Mail me at if you're interested in it and don't be frightened off...some of the best writers I know came from starting somewhere and gaining experience.<br /><br />(as you will have seen with me...taking this up will not affect your postings on here. We have zero competition issues).


here's a sample of what one of my articles would look like:<br />NASA sucks because they are using the Shuttle still and because they wanna go with capsules which is very gay because the only good method is a lifting body SSTO which is why I should get teh job of NASA administrator and tell Bush to shove it because before we want to go to the Moon and Mars we need a good presence in LEO which can only be accomplished through SSTO RBCC Scramjet Lifting Body spacecraft so in essence I am yo' daddy! <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p></p><p> </p><p> </p> </div>


heh....well the funny thing is, we may not be looking for opinion-based columnists, but if NASA messes up on something, we'll report it.<br /><br />I'm a big Shuttle fan, but same rule applies...I can't allow my personal opinion to edge into the domain of news.


I wish i could help, but i don't think i know enough, and i'm probably too young to write news anyways. <img src="/images/icons/tongue.gif" />


Well look at it this way. I've got two motives with this thread.<br /><br />1) To search out any interested writers looking to become part of increasing our content base.<br /><br />2) Any ASPIRING writer - someone who wants to get into it - giving it a shot and gaining experience.<br /><br />I note point two as important because guess how I started many moons ago? <br /><br />Having an interest and a passion for the subject matter is half the battle. So long as you have a patient sub-editor and you are willing to learn you'll find it pretty easy eventually.<br /><br />The whole area of space news needs fresh blood. There aren't many decent news writers covering NASA (look to Justin Ray and Bill Harewood as leaders in this field) - a lot are just opinion based ranters.<br /><br />It's not potentially a benefit to the site to welcome in complete newbies at writing...I'm doing this because I'm passionate about giving people the same chance I had.


Its hard, cause generally I am very opinionated. Plus it takes great effort to maintain the Vulcan in me.


One last thing to add....if you currently have your own site, or work for a site, we're fine with linking it up (like SDC do) for your guest appearance as a writer.<br /><br />We're doing pretty well for a new site in terms of readers. A story on average is now up to (if left on for a day before the new story takes over at the top of the page) 15,000 to 20,000 reads. 39 countries, no idea of demographics.


I would be a newbie writer. there's not really that much stuff that i'm not interested in. I tried some editorials during my previous stint at SDC, and they are not very good. I don't even really agree with them that much anymore...


><br />Its hard, cause generally I am very opinionated. Plus it takes great effort to maintain the Vulcan in me.<<br /><br />You've not seen much of my postings on free space, have you <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" />


You're not exactly selling yourself mate <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" />


lol... I just mean that i wish i was able to help <img src="/images/icons/tongue.gif" /><br />besides, i don't imagine i'l have this much time on my hands once school starts next week. (the fact that's even a problem...)


Whats the money like? <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p> </p><p>----------------------------------------------------------------- </p><p>Wanna see this site looking like the old SDC uplink?</p><p>Go here to see how: <strong>SDC Eye saver </strong>  </p> </div>


We're in the stage of establishing our place in the media of spaceflight coverage (which is why we don't have any adverts or revenue streams coming off this site at this time...on purpose).<br /><br />Which is why I noted this: "You'll be accredited, get your own e-mail address (if you want it) as an official of the site etc.etc. and we are looking to create a team that will become part of a paid structure eventually."<br /><br />We've done it this way before with another site and it worked out that way. One of those writers actually started from scratch with us and is now working for a major national paper on $110K a year.


wow. that's pretty nice.<br />I'll tell ya what:<br />When i'm on Mars, i'll give you the Exclusive <img src="/images/icons/tongue.gif" />


This actually intrigues me. What kind of turn-around on stories are you looking for?


Well we are aiming for a pre-emption on turnaround. For instance, the writers of interest who I already want to involve are now on a "reply to all" e-mail as we build instructions for submissions and procedure. <br /><br /> This in turn is gathering info on areas of specific interest - what people want to cover. Doesn't matter if there's a number who want to cover the same thing, the idea is a people already have an interest in their area of NASA (and all space flight) already, as that is - as mentioned earlier - half the battle.<br /><br /> On this e-mail 'conference' we are able to note a story that one writer wishes to cover...say for instance tonight we had that NASA press conference. One writer may be either able to go, able to listen in etc. with that writer aiming to do a short article on the info provided asap.<br /><br /> We aren't looking for anything over 10 paras - as quote based news can be turned around (depending on experience) within an hour. The idea for the site is to be based on multiple levels.<br /><br /> For instance, some stories may take days before being published, given the info required. Some stories are breaking news and something needs to be ran asap…such as yesterday’s March, 2006 next launch story that’s on site at the moment. Some things can be ran before the rest of the media wait for the press conference.<br /><br /> So rather than a one-line answer, the explanation is fluid.<br /><br /> A good example is we gained the info on the dates the three External Tanks at KSC are being moved back to MAF. We immediately put that on the forum news threads, but I'm waiting for some quotes from MAF for an article that will go on tomorrow. <br /><br />Obviously, when this becomes (as I'm aiming for) a paid position, turnaround will be based more on requirement. For now we'll see how best we can do it. I'm obviously doing this full time, so that helps.


It's a cool site and the nasa people on the forum aren't patronising!


And it's popular, as I compared it with Amazon's site traffic tracker with the other space site I go to apart from here.


I don't know how to read that graph. The scale on the y-axis seemed inverted somehow.... <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>
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