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H.L.C.<br />.....................................................................<br />(Original Signature of Member)<br />108TH CONGRESS<br />2D SESSION H. R. <br />To promote the development of the emerging commercial human space flight<br />industry, and for other purposes.<br />IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES<br />Mr. ROHRABACHER (for himself, Mr. BOEHLERT, and Mr. GORDON) introduced<br />the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on<br /><br />A BILL<br />To promote the development of the emerging commercial<br />human space flight industry, and for other purposes.<br />Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- 1<br />tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 2<br />SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. 3<br />This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Commercial Space 4<br />Launch Amendments Act of 2004’’. 5<br />F:M8ROHRABROHRAB_095.XML<br />F:V8111804111804.001<br />November 18, 2004<br /><br />2<br />H.L.C.<br />SEC. 2. AMENDMENTS. 1<br />(a) FINDINGS AND PURPOSES.—Section 70101 of 2<br />title 49, United States Code, is amended— 3<br />(1) in subsection (a)(3), by inserting ‘‘human 4<br />space flight,’’ after ‘‘microgravity research,’’; 5<br />(2) in subsection (a)(4)— 6<br />(A) by striking ‘‘satellite’’; and 7<br />(B) by striking ‘‘services now available 8<br />from’’ and inserting ‘‘capabilities of’’; 9<br />(3) in subsection (a)(8), by striking ‘‘and’’ at 10<br />the end; 11<br />(4) in subsection (a)(9), by striking the period 12<br />and inserting a semicolon; 13<br />(5) by adding at the end of subsection (a) the 14<br />following new paragraphs: 15<br />‘‘(10) the goal of safely opening space to the 16<br />American people and their private commercial, sci- 17<br />entific, and cultural enterprises should guide Federal 18<br />space investments, policies, and regulations; 19<br />‘‘(11) private industry has begun to develop 20<br />commercial launch vehicles capable of carrying 21<br />human beings into space and greater private invest- 22
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