I also believe we will be able to farm water from outter space. While space is considered an empty vacuum. I have a chemistry theory that particles are out there just much smaller like frozen air in a balloon. I made this theory after chemistry class in college.
There is plenty of matter given off by sun rather than light. In my chemistry theory it explains how that type of matter is suspended and gathers at that range from the sun forming large enough masses with gravity so intense they turn the core magma. And the emf generated by the core keeps gravity from being pulled into the sun.
In this theory there is plenty of gases smoke and even steam that is shrank due to the temperature of space. Even when shrank particles can push each other further. With a chemistry equation involving a lot of heat and magnetic powder. I theorize you can form water droplets in outer space. Well for a second then it freezes.
This is not factual. However, I will state my physics teacher worked for nasa. That was 17 years ago. He only believed what he was told even though they were theories. As science progresses I’ve had a couple theories that were correct. Like planets atmospere, and falling objects.