Sir Branson ordered five SpaceShip II's. Burt Rutan has said that he is in negotiations with 4-5 other companies. Bigelow Areospace has announced a 50 million dollar prize for an orbital craft able to dock with it's inflatable habitats. There has also been a prize announced for space elevator technologies and prototypes. <br /><br />All of this has happened as consequence of the X-prize.<br /><br />About the SpaceShipOne concept, It would not be possible to make SpaceShipOne orbital. I don't think 70 miles is high enough for an orbit. Your orbit will degrade to quickly that low. The ISS and Space Shuttle orbit at an altitude of over 200 miles<br /><br />Getting to the altitude is one problem, but then you also have to get to orbital speed. SSO goes Mach 3 max speed. Orbital speed is around Mach 22. It isn't possible to get Space Ship One to go that fast.<br /><br />Then you have the problem of reentry. The heat loads when going Mach 22 are much higher than when going Mach 3. Space Ship one would not be able to withstand the heat from reentry. It is just not designed for it.<br /><br />I'm not trying to shoot down your hopes, but taking Space Ship One and making it orbital is just not possible. Burt Rutan is going to design an orbital craft though. He is designing, possibly building Space Ship II right now. Five Space Ship II's will be sold to Virgin Galactic, and possibly other Companies, bringing in alot of money for Mojave Aerospace.<br /><br />Burt Rutan is planning to go orbital, but it is alot of work. It will take time. Going from flying ballistic suborbital flights to orbital flights will be tough. It won't happen over night. Though it will happen soon enough. Things are moving along very fast because of the X-Prize.<br /><br />Flying to the moon or further is still far off. That is just not possible in the short term. I don't see that happening for another 15-20 years. It is just a whole new world of difficulty and will cost much more than suborbital and orbital flights.