I wish there had been some discussion of doing spacewalks during the Perseid Meteor shower. It seemed a strange time for a shuttle mission, much less extended space walks to replace a gyroscope. If there was a specific evaluation for the Perseid environment instead of relying on one year exposure averages, I wish it had been addressed in a briefing since spacewalks and the Perseid shower were sided-by-side in the news. It seems like one hour exposure while the earth goes through the Perseid environment is equivalent to (some big number) hours of exposure at other times. Will the glove damage and the space suits be inspected for potential meteoroid damage? What is the equivalence? are their special precautions that the astronauts took? Do we need any more data? should their have been witness panels exposed for 3 days during Perseid for comparison to 3 month panels at other times? Enquiring minds and even me, would like to know. Anybody have any links that I should visit? I understand that the space station is well protected for meteoroid and debris impacts but is a separate meteoroid shower risk calculation made? Are the new suits so robust they can stay outside with impunity?<br />