SpaceX's Elon Musk calls on FAA chief to resign

Sep 8, 2024
Isn't this the same guy who last week railed against the wrong FAA administrator? Ranting and raving, retweeting a tirade about Polly Trottenberg, who stepped down nearly a year ago. Maybe do the slightest bit of research before demanding people's heads, Elmo?
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Apr 24, 2023
It doesn't matter who they put in charge, none of them have a clue about how SpaceX develops and fixes rockets. They don't have the expertise to deal with it. They need to put NASA in charge of space matters and let the FAA deal with planes. What in this mans history gives him the knowledge to understand something that everyone, every company said could not be done. Waste of time and money, well SpaceX is wasting time and money waiting for them to do a job they can't handle.
Feb 14, 2020
Other than safety in NextGen Airspace which will be an issue with any LEO rockets, especially experimental such as Artemis or Starliners or Delta rockets, FAA should not nor Space Force should slow down the only good and successful US entrepreneurial program.
Such delays show that autonomous enterprises are being thwarted by undue bureaucracies.
I have worked as contractor for air force on NextGen Airspace Program called JPDO approved by Congress.
Risks are to be calculated and shared publicly and what does FAA do when such launches take place from other countries?
We are going to decimate budding enterprises and give China and others free reigns because we can not stop them.
Do not punish our shining stars.
P S I may not agree with Musk on many things but if he continues smartly on technologies as he has, he might become comparable to Von Braun (my mentor) and Thomas Edison although not there yet, but great achievements....

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