SpaceX's New Starship Prototype Could Fly in Just 3 Months, Elon Musk Says

Nov 25, 2019
SpaceX's newly redesigned prototype of its Mars-colonizing Starship craft could get off the ground for the first time just two or three months from now, company founder and CEO Elon Musk said.

SpaceX's New Starship Prototype Could Fly in Just 3 Months, Elon Musk Says : Read more
For me its SpaceX that has reignited my excitement in Space travel. Under the leadership of Elon they have broken the seemingly age old grip of stuffy, purely scientific led space science and brought a really human element to it. We really can do those things that come directly from (at present) science fiction movies.
Really looking forward to what they are attempting to do in 2020.


Jan 5, 2020
I wonder if it will have a parachute abort system? Lot of parachutes for that much weight. Maybe the people section will fly off and land. Rocket landing, glider with wings, parafoil or parachutes? I guess with cargo there will be none. Ejection seats?
Wall should mention that Musk said Crew Dragon will be at KSC in Feb. but it will take several months to do the safety studies. June maybe I guess.
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