Sparkling Hubble Space Telescope photo shows ancient globular cluster near Milky Way's heart

Dec 12, 2022
Do astronomers believe that these stars in this globular cluster around the galactic bulge have an equal chance of having life supporting planets as that of those in the spiral arms?

How close to the galactic center could one get until life supporting planets would be too remote?
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May 18, 2022
Do astronomers believe that these stars in this globular cluster around the galactic bulge have an equal chance of having life supporting planets as that of those in the spiral arms?

How close to the galactic center could one get until life supporting planets would be too remote?
Pismis 26 is located near the galactic bulge that surrounds Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), the supermassive black hole at the heart of the Milky Way.
Pismis 26 is to close to Sagittarius A, a massive black hole, to be able to support any type of life . A massive black hole would create to much disturbance to allow life to evolve. The plasma jets of Sagittarius A would produce extreme amounts of radiation. The close proximity of the stars, one to two light years, would also create extremely large amounts of radiation. An extremely hostile location.
We are located near the edge of the Milky Way on the Orion Arm at 25,640 light years from Sagittarius A.. If we were any closer to Sagittarius A, the radiation would kill us instantly.
Have a good day.
Live long and prosper.
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"Pismis 26 is located near the galactic bulge that surrounds Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), the supermassive black hole at the heart of the Milky Way. This part of the galaxy is especially dust-heavy, thanks to the presence of Sgr A* and its incredible gravity, as well as that of all the material surrounding it in the bulge and the dense sphere of stars it contains."

This is interesting too. The GC is said to be 12 billion years old yet some stars moving around Sgr A* are clearly very young due to fast orbits and velocities. Such age differences can be reconciled by postulating a number of GC orbits around the MW while much later, some young stars evolved around Sgr A*. Intriguing finds.

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