Spiderweb protocluster is filled with baby galaxies, James Webb Space Telescope reveals (image)

The dust data implies a shared gas supply driving star formation towards galaxy growth, but that is partly in tension where observations of early spheroids (later ellipticals) are the result of "the simultaneous action of cold gas accretion and galaxy interactions." https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2024/12/241205143109.htm

The latest Webb observations concur as it has smashed its galaxy distance record to find galaxies at 16 < z < 19 where "[t]he extreme SFE [Star Formation Efficiency] coupled with a steep HMF [Halo Mass Function] are both sufficient to explain the observed trends. This connection further emphasizes the idea that faint, yet numerous, high-z galaxies play a crucial role in the stellar mass assembly of galaxies in the early Universe." https://www.livescience.com/space/c...-find-the-earliest-galaxies-that-ever-existed , https://arxiv.org/pdf/2411.13640