Star Locator/Computerized Astrophotography?

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If I were to buy a Schimidt Cassegrain Meade LX90 GPS could I use it for astrophotography? I heard that the motors that track your target are not that great and give you a bad picture. I also heard that telescopes with star finders can't do astrophotography? I dont beleive that one at all though because Meade advertises these to be for deep sky imaging.


This is a question best answered in person some night when the clouds have moved in. It's way to much info to be posted.<br /><br />I have an LX90 that I use for film astrophotography. One of the old 8" models long before they became GPS (2001)<br /><br />The LX90 uses DC stepper motors, the LX200 uses DC servo motors. That means that the LX90 "jumps" speed just like shifting a car. The LX200 "ramps" speed so the "shift" is smooth and not noticable. Does it really matter? Nah most people will not see the difference. If you have the money get an LX200 but if you don't the LX90 will work just fine.<br /><br />Either one will need to be on a wedge so you don't get field rotation. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="1" color="#3366ff"></font> </div>


Gotcha, Thank's m8! All Schmidt Cassegrains on alt-azimuths need a wedge I guess? And Refractors or reflectors on equatorial don't?


Like I said this has way to much info for posting.<br /><br />If you are doing CCD you don't need a wedge or a de-rotater if you are taking a short exposure shot.<br /><br />Some SCT's come mounted on a GEM, CGE 1100 <br />or you could just get an OTA and pick your own GEM. OTA <br /><br />This is also one of the many reasons why astrophotography drives ya nuts, there are so many answers to the same questions.<br /><br /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="1" color="#3366ff"></font> </div>


Wow! Gotcha I dont want to spend 5600 bucks for my Gear lol Im more of in the $2000 range =) I know it can't get you very much for doing astrophotography but I think you can get atleast a few decent pictures. I know theirs so many anwsers to these questions but what do you recommend for shooting your basic nebulae and galaxy pictures no messy stuff. Many people recommened the Meade Schimidt Cassigrains but then again people recommended a good apo on a solid mount? What do you all think? (Basically)


Gotcha can you guys possibly recommend me some options to go with that cost around 1600 bucks ?? Thanks SO much! !! ! i know this is probably a pain
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