Stargate Universe New Direction

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I think maybe the producers have scrapped the original outline and taken a whole new direction in an attempt to save the series.


Because the show was mostly crap, except for the aliens attacking. They had to go somewhere else with the show, it was going nowhere... fast!

I am disappointed. Two different people have now been connected to thie alien learning device, yet they still cannot control the direction of the ship. Sorry, but by now I think that Rush should know how to drive that boat!

"Destiny is powered by the Stars themselves..." it says so at the beginning of each episode. But they've just left the Galaxy the were in and are out in intergalactic space, where there are NO stars! Unsless something happens, like they turn around and head back, they are going to eventually run out of energy and everyone will die. If it takes a day or two to travel between solar systems, then there is no way that Destiny is fast enough to make the journey to another Galaxy within any human lifespan. Ooops, there's that "reality" stuff creeping into the fun again!


IIRC in one episode, there's a map showing that the ship had been galaxy-hopping for a while already. Dunno if that's only possible with low energy consumption, but I doubt it. And writers would find a way around it anyway. Turning the ship around just doesn't appeal in such an SF story.

I have my issues with the show myself, but I was curious why Bdewoody thought what he said above.


I haven't exactly been on the edige of my seat, I guess the only reason I've stuck with it is out of loyalty to the other two shows which I thought were good. Stargate Atlantis ended way to early, they could have had a few more seasons out of it. I'll see this season through to the end, but after that, I don't know.


Well it seemed to me at first they were trying to get away from the format that had made the first two series successes. Conflict with others who wanted to rule the universe was the theme. I thought maybe this series was going to reveal the true nature of the stargates and the ancients. With that theme coming across too boring it seems they have dug up some old foes to stir up the pot.


Ya, I think they finally figure out that it was getting a bit Dull. They need more conflict. Having only internal conflict can only go so far. Now we need to see some real enemys to make it more exciting. I want to see all the weapons on the ship working. Get pretty board with just shields this and shields that.

And when is Eli going to actually do something? His Character has been a big disappointment to say the least. Hopefully he will find some cool tech on the last episode to help the crue.


Finally a bit of action although its didn't last too long, perhaps now more things will happen.


So, Young and his men are facing execution, Eli desperately tries to save the lives of the two trapped outside the ship, Chloe passes out, TJ is out for the count, Rush is hold up in another part of the ship, how are they going to get out of this one? I might tune in next year to find out.


I don't think I will. The whole thing is too much like reality TV with a bunch of scifi deux ex machina devices.


This is a ploy used by producers to keep cast members from demanding higher salaries. If you demand too much then you just die. And face it none of these actors are bringing in the viewers in droves.

I also think they hinted that this ship may have an automatic defence against the gouald(probably mis spelled) which will in the end eliminate this threat.


Let's not forget Dr What's his name got absorbed into the ship.
I like the show, not just out of loyalty, why everyone needs explosions to keep them happy is beyond me.

I have to agree Stargate Atlantis ended way to soon!
I hope they do make an SGA movie!
I mean isn't someone going to notice the wave pattern in San Francisco Bay is umm, funky?


I was giving this show every benefit of the doubt including the goofy "people switching" with the communication stones, the obvious non-reality of some civilians expecting "Democracy" in a narrow scenario, the obvious stupidity of the portrayal of a military commander incompetent enough to leave a civilian insurgent alive on a planet so hostile aliens could pick him up, and lots more.

I hit my personal wall when the Lucien Alliance (or however it's spelled) popped on the scene. Apparently, it wasn't enough for the writers and producers of this show to cook up a pursuit over tens of millions of light years between galaxies by an advanced non-human enemy.

No. We have to have a bunch of guys who control a fleet of superior Goa'uld (or however you spell it_ ships chasing after a busted up, half malfunctioning Ancient starship that's like half a million years old.

And the fat guy constantly rebuked by the semi-hot chick. Doesn't get too much worse.


dragon04":boaii6qx said:
...chasing after a busted up, half malfunctioning Ancient starship that's like half a million years old.

Have to agree. I've never quite figured out our interest in the Destiny in the first place?!? It's an old ship with an older style FTL drive, but the FTL engines Thor's pepole gave us and taught us how to make are better and faster so what do we need it for? Considering that we also have Asgard weapons and shield technology for our (still primitive) ships, I'm not sure what we're supposed to be learning from Destiny. I know Destiny is following a ship that builds and places Stargates on planets - now THAT"S the ship I'd want to catch up with, but it seems that Destiny never will. Since we can't make ZPMs, figuring out how to use the "collect the energy from a star" feature would be nice, if they can ever turn the ship around and get it to fly back to the Earth. I know they've said that Destiny is an important peice of technology that we need to learn from, but I'm still not exactly sure what we need to learn that we don't already know from the knowledge that the Asgard gave us before they put thier race out of our misery! Riding around in that ship doesn't seem to be teaching us much about the Ancients that we don't already know...


I'm having a very difficult time with this show, but, like other members, I enjoyed Stargate-SG-1 and SGA so much that I feel compelled by loyalty to continue watching it. But many things about SG-Universe annoy me. The sets of the ship are obviously just the redecorated sets from Cheyenne Mountain from the original series, made to look "old". Unlike the other two series, there is absolutely no charisma between any of the cast fact, there's not a single character I give a damn about. It feels like they tried to capture some of the edginess and dark mood of Battlestar Galactica, but they didn't pull it off very well, if at all. The story plots are insipid and uninspired. And those damn stones that let people swap consciousness with people back home is an idiotic plot device that they ought to get rid of. I'll give the show some more time, but I'm not hopeful.


I don't know about idiotic but it's doubtlessly mis- and overused.


crazyeddie":wfd4tf1h said:
I'm having a very difficult time with this show, but, like other members, I enjoyed Stargate-SG-1 and SGA so much that I feel compelled by loyalty to continue watching it. But many things about SG-Universe annoy me. The sets of the ship are obviously just the redecorated sets from Cheyenne Mountain from the original series, made to look "old". Unlike the other two series, there is absolutely no charisma between any of the cast fact, there's not a single character I give a damn about. It feels like they tried to capture some of the edginess and dark mood of Battlestar Galactica, but they didn't pull it off very well, if at all. The story plots are insipid and uninspired. And those damn stones that let people swap consciousness with people back home is an idiotic plot device that they ought to get rid of. I'll give the show some more time, but I'm not hopeful.

I agree. I too am watching from my love and loyalty to SG-1 and Atlantis. Each episode I keep hoping it gets better, but that doesn't seem to be happening. And I don't even care about stupid little details like made over sets or poor FX. To me its the story thats important and this one started out making little sense and it makes LESS now! For me it was at least a little fun when they were stopping at planets, but now they're in the expanse between Galaxies (in reality the trip between galaxies should take longer than the life span of a human if it takes Destiny a few days to go from one solar system to another) and the enemy is within. Have not figured out why the Lutien Alliance would waste time sending people there unless they had a way home. Maybe that's the point. Such (criminal) type alliances are nothing if not practical. Greed yes, but what good is grabbing some gold if you can't go anywhere with it to spend it?

Anyway, I'm still watching not sure for how much longer.


OK the new season started and they out out of another jam. It's beginning to look like some all powerful super race is looking out for at least some of the crew. Another twist on the existance of "God"?
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