Strange star system may hold first evidence of an ultra-rare 'dark matter star'

Jan 11, 2023
It would seem like a dark matter star would attract regular matter to it over time, especially if it had companions. What percentage of a 'dark matter' star can be regular matter and it still be invisible? Certainly there's no chance this thing is a zero regular matter object, especially because it wouldn't radiate and therefore it wouldn't push gasses like hydrogen and helium away from it as much as a radiating body while still having a substantial mass.
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Jan 9, 2020
A fascinating concept, but total conjecture. While fantastical outliers exist, the presumptions here defy Occam's Razor. Most rational explanations are ordinary in nature. While we do know that dark "matter" exists, we only know it as a gravitational effect. There is as of yet no evidence that this effect is the result of some kind of negative-world particle. If conjecture is all we need, then I'm fond of the notion that the 4 dimensional universe is like a droplet of water running down a leaf. It changes shape, warps, and bends as it moves. If we see only the inside of the droplet and are unaware of the outside, then there is little to explain the effects, because they do not originate from inside.

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