From RLV-News:<br /><br /><br /><br /><i>There is a last-minute move by some staffers in the Senate to heavily amend HR 3752. The amendments would completely change the charter of the office of commercial space transportation (AST), placing the safety of the crew and passengers on equal footing with the safety of the uninvolved public. Since that is well beyond present technology, it would effectively stop development of the industry in the U.S. It is too late to fix the bill before the session adjourns, but not too late to stop it. If you or people you know have connections to any Senator, please ask them to put a "hold" on HR 3752. That prevents it from passing by unanimous consent. We may have less than 24 hours.<br /><br />If the bill is "held" there may be opportunity to fix it in a post-election session -- but if not, we would still rather the bill die than pass with these poison-pill amendments.</i><br /><br /><br /><br />Now that's just insane. Who are these people and why are they doing this? Do they want to make themselves feel important or what? Grrr...<br />Anyway, if this bill passes I hope that Rutan and Branson set up shop in Australia or somewhere in Africa, anywhere but the United States. That will teach these incompetent megalomaniacs in congress a lesson.<br /><br />Please contact your senator now!