The article says, "Probably the most conspicuous of the summer star patterns is the famous Summer Triangle, composed of three of the brightest stars in the sky: Vega, Altair and Deneb."
On the night of 02-Sep-2021, I star tested my 10-inch Newtonian after cleaning the primary mirror and collimating. Altair was the target. Successful cleaning and collimation
Lovely view of many faint stars in the eyepiece at 86x, some 0.8-degree field of view using a 14-mm eyepiece. Stellarium and Starry Night showed stars I was viewing in the 10th to 12th magnitude range, some 13th all around Altair's position in the sky. I also tested using Albireo, the yellow-golden and blue double star in Cygnus. Again, fantastic views with so many 12th magnitude and fainter stars all around the pair visible. I used the 10-inch Newtonian for more than 3 years now so the big, primary mirror needed some care and feeding. Great views again