Superman movies ranked, worst to best

Aug 19, 2024
I agree with Office Space, Superman III is a good flick (vastly underrated film in my opinion)

1. It has Christopher R.'s always fantastic performance as Supes & Clark Kent - physically the out of shape flashes of Superman are when Chris's body double is being used for safety, etc. Chris looked better as Superman than anyone, and that includes stunt men.
Additionally there's a scene when he's first stepping into cave at end to face the super-computer...He stands with arms at side/propped up, like Peter Pan and with any other human it'd look ridiculous but it's a pose from a Curt Swan Superman comic...more than any other superhero actor, Reeves became his role - he was Superman.

2. Ross Webster is a good Lex Luthor like villain - kinda LL post-crisis

3. Annette O. played the best Superman/CK love interest from all movies

4. If you just focus on the clips of 'Gus Gorman's/Pryor and ignore his nonsensical part in a Superman movie...there are some hilarious scenes - 'both the same time!!'

5. The junk yard scene....the second greatest scene from all superhero movies (only 2nd to the Superman I scene catching the helicopter and first showing off his powers)

in my opinion it's
6 - Superman IV

5 - Man of Steel (I like this flick, it did make sense Kevin Costner/Pa 's sacrifice/but Clark letting Pa Kent's sacrifice stand made zero sense)

4 - Superman Returns (I debated with this with MOS which is slightly better but the plane scene in Returns trumps it)

3. Superman III

2. Superman II. (The superior Lester, theatrical version...'General, would you care to step outside')

1. Superman I
Aug 20, 2024
I absolutely disagree! For the era that each movie was in it was a great movie at that time, Superman the movie was great in 1977, Superman Return was great in 2006, and the Man of Steele was great in 2013. One cannot honestly compare the different movies of the different era's, the attempt is ridiculous!

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