Teenage girl throws puppies into a river in online video

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Makes the "whites" look hypocritical? I don't get it.

I'm sure /b is all over this. Anon will track this down. So far, the likely boyfriend who filmed it has already been identified, IIRC. Various online accounts have been compromised. It's only a matter of time until the Internet Hate Machine posts all her revealing crap and institutes a DOS attack on her life.

The hypocritical thing is that /b wouldn't have cared if she had been throwing babies in the river. But, dogs or cats! Heavens no!


a_lost_packet_":2biuv8ys said:
Makes the "whites" look hypocritical? I don't get it.

Once upon a time, to their eyes, all Chinese look the same and kill dogs and cats!? :lol:


Some kids just BEG for a decent flogging with the electrical cord off a kettle.


grokme":1sfcptjy said:
star_sirius":1sfcptjy said:
I saw this news all over Chinese forums, all the sudden I thought this is an interesting video that makes the "whites" look hypocritical, :oops: Is this sicko from Bosnia? :p

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/i ... video.html

Yeah, this makes up for all those folks killed at Tiannenmen. :D

I don't give a rats ass what had happened at Tiannenmen but I have at least a quarter of Chinese blood, my ancestry is from Fujian Province!!


Well, I'm not sure why white people gotta take a beating over this. Yes, some Asians eat dogs and cats. Weird to me, but natural to them.

People would go to jail in America for throwing puppies into a creek like that, but again, the same social standards do not and likely cannot apply globally. I don't know where that video was shot, but let me ask y'all what you do with 6 puppies when there's no Animal Shelter around and you can't just jaunt down to the supermarket and buy enough food to feed 6 dogs every month for the next 15 years.

Yeah, that's a pretty disturbing video from my perspective. Would I throw a bucket full of puppies into the Ohio River? Not very likely. But I also couldn't afford to keep and feed them. But I live in America where there is a person every 50 feet and I can give them away to people or take them to the pound. Where, they get euthanized if nobody adopts them.

My aunt and brother worked at an Animal Shelter and put down hundreds and hundreds of cats and dogs. Cute little kittens and puppies. Dogs that were loyal to their owners to the end. Cats that always had a warm place to sleep and food in their bellies.

It's still getting rid of unwanted animals at the sharp end of Occam's Razor guys.


dragon04":26uqnjnx said:
Well, I'm not sure why white people gotta take a beating over this. Yes, some Asians eat dogs and cats. Weird to me, but natural to them.

Yeah, I posted this thread just kinda carried the message through, that's how chaotic in Asian forums about this news, that's how people are proclaiming how you guys are hypocritical, you know the Chinese economy has surpassed Japan and making a lot of noises. :p I am your Radar, your eyes since I know Chinese!!! :p


star_sirius":30o00cc5 said:
Yeah, I posted this thread just kinda carried the message through, that's how chaotic in Asian forums about this news, that's how people are proclaiming how you guys are hypocritical, you know the Chinese economy has surpassed Japan and making a lot of noises. :p I am your Radar, your eyes since I know Chinese!!! :p


Dude, I don't care if you're a Martian. Saying that this somehow makes "whites" hypocritical is just plain... It's...

Making such a claim is undeniably beyond the strange in a carnal manner.


It's really indicative of the cultural ignorance that still exists between "Westerners" and "Asians".

An example would be the guy who married me and my wife. He was a Paramedic that worked for me. He was also a licensed Architect and an ordained Minister. Craig could never decide what he wanted to be when he grew up.

Where he DID grow up was in like Idaho or Utah. His parents were (you guessed it) Mormons (which he was not). I should say his adoptive parents. You see, Craig was a South Korean orphan. So, yeah, an "Asian Dude" married me and my wife. But Craig is about as Asian as a Big Mac.

Yet, I'm sure at some points along the line, Craig was stereotyped by some folks because of his Asian descent. And you know, I grew up seeing parodies of Asians in the cartoons I watched and the butts of jokes I heard, and, well, whatever else. Asians were largely equated with those dirty, untrustable Japanese that sneak attacked us at Pearl Harbor.

I don't know that we can lay blame in any one place, but I think that Western culture is much more open than Asian culture and that secrecy, actual or perceived leads to stereotypes that may or may not be accurate. Myself, I'm a Xenophile. I love diversity and see a learning opportunity every time I meet someone different than me.

I guess if I could send one message to the Chinese folks going on about White Hypocrisy it would be that if they opened themselves and their culture up to the common Westerner on the grass roots level, we could probably understand one another much better.

I don't care if someone eats dogs or cats for dinner. Unfortunately, I don't think enough "Westerners" are open-minded enough to be able to accept that level of cultural difference, and it's hard for me to understand why not.

A prime example of the unintentional hypocrisy is 4H. I dunno if you know what that is because honestly, you've got me so confused to your residency, nationality and culture that I gave up trying to figure it out.

For those who may not know, 4H is a agriculturally oriented social organization that American School kids can join. Mostly, its kids who either live on a farm or live in rural areas. 4H teaches things like animal husbandry and such.

I used to live in the country. Amongst the farmers and their 4H kids. They would raise a pig or a cow or a sheep or whatever as a project in the 4H organization. Then, every year, they would take their animal to the County Fair to be judged. At the end, a butcher or grocer or businessman, slaughterhouse or private citizen might bid on and buy these animals.

While these kids may have become emotionally attached to their animals (they raised them from babies), they knew that the endgame was a Blue Ribbon and some sweet financial compensation. And they knew that whoever bought these animals was going to kill and eat them.

I know I'm getting long winded here. It's the shortcomings of text vs. the spoken word. To make a long story short, most Americans find it perfectly normal to see a kid raise a goat and then sell it to be slaughtered and eaten. Yet they find it weird or unacceptable that someone might eat dogs and cats.

Go figure.


star_sirius":3rxztnrz said:
grokme":3rxztnrz said:
star_sirius":3rxztnrz said:
I saw this news all over Chinese forums, all the sudden I thought this is an interesting video that makes the "whites" look hypocritical, :oops: Is this sicko from Bosnia? :p

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/i ... video.html

Yeah, this makes up for all those folks killed at Tiannenmen. :D

I don't give a rats ass what had happened at Tiannenmen but I have at least a quarter of Chinese blood, my ancestry is from Fujian Province!!

Glass houses I guess. When they stop raping Tibet then they can criticize us as hypocrites because some girl killed some puppies.


Are you guys having a citizens arrest here? :p

Sue me then, If I can't throw in my messages/comments here, then I go somewhere else!! :p

Dragon, do not try to figure out my personal details here, this is obviously an insult, get a life!! :p

A_L_P, sounds like slap in your face? Hold your horse, don't get me wrong I tried my very best to shut them up in the Asia forums, if you can't handle this, then fine.... I'm not telling any more!! :p

This is an open and a public forum, you guys can blacklist me any time!! :|


Obverse carefully, did I ever ever state : "whites" are hypocritical? NO! You guys suck!! :|


star_sirius":1xiyrhov said:
Obverse carefully, did I ever ever state : "whites" are hypocritical? NO!



star_sirius":1xiyrhov said:
..all the sudden I thought this is an interesting video that makes the "whites" look hypocritical,..

That's English. It seems to intend to state that you believe the video is somehow suggesting that white people (Caucasians) are hypocritical. How did you mean for it to be interpreted?

You guys suck!! :|

Oh, the agony! I'm mortally wounded. I shall never recover from this public debasement! What ever shall I do! It is the end. There's nothing left to live for now. I've been insulted on the internets! OH NOES! HALPS MEES!

(In case you're wondering, that's sarcasm... in English.)


Let me get this straight:

A sick and heartless teenage girl in Bosnia, who happens to be white, throws some helpless puppies into a river and certain death, and now "whites" are hypocritical because they look negatively on Asian culture that thinks it's okay to eat moo-shoo dog?

That's like judging all Christians or Christianity itself because of the actions of the Borga Popes. (They had wild sex orgies with all the pretty young girls in Rome. Of course, the fathers and brothers of all the hotties in town were not invited.)

Btw, if you read the links, the fine for doing such a thing in Bosnia is somewhere around $5,000 bucks.


star_sirius":1rjpkpbr said:
..all the sudden I thought this is an interesting video that makes the "whites" look hypocritical,..

That's English. It seems to intend to state that you believe the video is somehow suggesting that white people (Caucasians) are hypocritical. How did you mean for it to be interpreted?

I consider my as a Westerner, my mom is a "white". I felt this statement "all the sudden I thought this is an interesting video that makes the "whites" look hypocritical,.." when I read from those Asian Forums, cross my heart!!


ZenGalacticore":1tyq4w8f said:
Let me get this straight:

A sick and heartless teenage girl in Bosnia, who happens to be white, throws some helpless puppies into a river and certain death, and now "whites" are hypocritical because they look negatively on Asian culture that thinks it's okay to eat moo-shoo dog?

That's like judging all Christians or Christianity itself because of the actions of the Borga Popes. (They had wild sex orgies with all the pretty young girls in Rome. Of course, the fathers and brothers of all the hotties in town were not invited.)

Btw, if you read the links, the fine for doing such a thing in Bosnia is somewhere around $5,000 bucks.

I know what you mean, it doesn't make any sense. One or two in a group of billions don't constitute a majority but perhaps those forums users were all stereo typists! :?:


star_sirius":3k0ehmrw said:
..I consider my as a Westerner, my mom is a "white". I felt this statement "all the sudden I thought this is an interesting video that makes the "whites" look hypocritical,.." when I read from those Asian Forums, cross my heart!!

Why does your race matter? Why, in fact, would any race matter in this?

I guess I just don't understand your point of view. If one person does something, that doesn't mean everyone in that race condones it.

What you appear to be discussing isn't a race issue at all - It's a cultural issue. "Race" has nothing to do with culture. It may have some strong correlations, but it is not a determiner of culture.


a_lost_packet_":1v4inxk6 said:
star_sirius":1v4inxk6 said:
..I consider my as a Westerner, my mom is a "white". I felt this statement "all the sudden I thought this is an interesting video that makes the "whites" look hypocritical,.." when I read from those Asian Forums, cross my heart!!

Why does your race matter? Why, in fact, would any race matter in this?

I guess I just don't understand your point of view. If one person does something, that doesn't mean everyone in that race condones it.

What you appear to be discussing isn't a race issue at all - It's a cultural issue. "Race" has nothing to do with culture. It may have some strong correlations, but it is not a determiner of culture.

It's funny that if it's only cultural, then why we have race issue in here then?

I guess I just don't understand your point of view. If one person does something, that doesn't mean everyone in that race condones it.

That's what I was trying to emphasize on those Asian forums but nobody in there seemed to catch my drift! I was so mad that I argued with all my might, I am still angry instantly!!


Alp- Since people in Bosnia are just as outraged as people in the rest of the world by the actions of this sick little wench, I don't see how this can be labelled a "cultural" issue, either.

This is an issue of a sick and/or heartless human individual and her cameraman brother.


star_sirius":3w3fgpnb said:
I know what you mean, it doesn't make any sense. One or two in a group of billions don't constitute a majority but perhaps those forums users were all stereo typists! :?:

You mean they sat next to each other in pairs while they typed? Do you, like, need 3-D Glasses to read that stuff?



I'm a little lost here???? What, precisely, is the point of this thread again?


If I had 1000 little girls like that I could rule the world inside of a year. :ugeek: "A pile of little arms"... (Apocalypse Now)..

It's interesting from a clinical perspective. She shows no remorse whatsoever and even appears to enjoy it. Maybe we're hypocritical as a society and she's innocent. In Baghdad the stray dog problem got to be so out of hand last year that Iraqi's went through the city and shot every dog in sight. Muslims don't look at dogs the way we do, they're seen as dirty and beneath contempt. You'd never see a dog in the middle east enter someones home for instance, it just wouldn't happen without the dog being killed. Here in the U.S. the BLM kills millions of animals per year as well to control their populations, but won't let you hunt them for the most part.. it's a bizarre world we live in gentlemen, full of hypocrisy and we're all guilty to one degree or another.
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