While posting on Iapetus last night was thinking about a possible escaped satellite it may have had at one time. And then thought of the co-orbital satellites.<br /><br />Cassini has made enough passes thru the Saturn system now that we are starting to accumulate at least distant pictures of many of the satellites. Yesterday, photos of Telesto turned up on the JPL website. Telesto is one of the co-orbital objects that share Tethys' path around Saturn. The other satellite is Calypso. The satellites are in a 'Trojan' relationship with Tethys, they average 60 degrees ahead and behind Tethys as they all go around Saturn.<br /><br />The relationship is stable. <br /><br />Additionally, Polydeuces and Helene are in a similar menage a trois with Dione.<br /><br />Another satellite with a 'relationship' to another object around Saturn, is Hyperion. In the time that Titan orbits Saturn 4 times, Hyperion does it precisely 3 times. This relationship is also stable.<br /><br />I have been curious how so many of these objects wound up in these circumstances. (there are other satellites around Saturn that have similar characteristics)<br /><br />Granted the current relationships, essentially resonant orbits; 1 to 1 and 4 to 3, are stable, but how to contrive so many objects to wind up this way?<br /><br />Just coincidence? Saturn system has much 'clutter', things just sorted out that way.<br /><br />Well, I don't find that terribly satisfying.<br /><br />Maybe there is a mechanism, a subtle 'twist' that makes this sort of thing a little more common than we might suppose.<br /><br />As I was playing around with Iapetus, and a possible lost satellite it might have had long ago, I happened upon a description of a possible tidal mechanism between asteroids and their possible satellites in the book, Introduction to Asteroids, by Clifford Cunningham.<br /><br />Asteroids typically have rotation periods of several hours on up. A possible satellite of an asteroid will interact tidally with the prim <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font color="#ff0000"><strong>TPTB went to Dallas and all I got was Plucked !!</strong></font></p><p><font color="#339966"><strong>So many people, so few recipes !!</strong></font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><strong>Let's clean up this stinkhole !!</strong></font> </p> </div>