While I agree that anything smaller than Pluto should not be a planet, and I agree that if Pluto is a planet, there is a decent argument that this new object should be a planet, I don't think that Pluto should be a planet. The main problem with Pluto is not its small size, or its inclined orbit, the main problem is that there are probably just too many Pluto's out there. There is speculation that there could be hundreds of "planets" larger than Pluto in the KB. Currently there are 8 planets orbiting in the ecliptic, 4 rocky planets and 4 gas giants. Pluto's diameter is less than 1/2 the size of the next smallest (Mercury), its orbit is different, its composition appears to be different, and its origen may be different. Due to a historical mistake, we can keep Pluto as a planet if we must, but lets not compound the error by adding to our historical mistake by naming more objects with Pluto characteristics as planets.