The Big Bang

Nov 21, 2020
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I am a fan of the scientific and philosophical view of our planet and Universe. I have a question for those of you also interested in this miraculous universe we live in. I am having a problem with the theory that all of our vast Universe with it's trillions of luminous stars, billions of energy packed black holes, and gamma producing gigantic binary stars spewing out gamma rays while smashing together to form more black holes could be the outcome of a big bang that began as a contracted bit the size of a single atom. The thought that all of what we know along with what we don't know about the universe and the energy it produces began with a big bang the size of an infinitely tiny bit of compressed matter is painfully unreal to me. I would like to know what mathematical set of equations determined this theory. And to add to everyone's confusion, did the big bang explode and expand from nothing into something which also created the theoretic “’Dark Matter" or did it expand and spread into the fabric of space and time where 'Dark matter" already existed. And that this compressed monumental "speck" of energy may have come from nothing is no different than someone saying "Poof" some creator put it there. Somehow it has to be believed that this existence has always been here. No beginning, no end, a miracle of events that also produced the human brain---the most miraculous creation of all (until we somehow find something that does not carry the baggage called "Evolution" — the kill or be killed life force that is killing our planet). In closing I would like to make it clear— When I am watching a prominent scientist looking me straight in the eye, and with all sincerity comments that the entire universe began as an electron microscopic speck—I want to grab him or her and have one or the other provide evidence for the enormity of this thought and how it was determined. Love those with enthusiastic curious attitudes and wish more could devote as much to our oceans—they need a lot more investigating and have much more relevance to our existence.
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SkiBumm, forums has many discussions on the expanding universe and BB model. I find a good place to start looking at the metrics is Allen's Astrophysical Quantities, Fourth edition, 2000. Chapter 26 covers Cosmology with math details and Einstein GR showing 3D space expanding including the Hubble constant. The size of the universe for the BB model is Planck length and Planck time, thus the BB model features a distinct beginning for the universe astronomers *see today using their telescopes*. As far as I know, quantum mechanics cannot observe matter and energy at these small scales, Planck length or Planck time scale, too small for current instruments to view directly, thus the BB beginning cannot be directly observed. Starting with the Planck length and Planck time, the universe according to BB cosmology expanded to include an area at least 92 billion light-years in diameter,

Astronomers hold this value in high confidence because of the BB cosmology, so this distance must be true too or even bigger. published a report similar using 46.5 billion LY radius in August 2019,

So the BB beginning time and size for our universe cannot be seen, as well as the present size of the universe according to the BB model. Defining the start time and current size of the observable universe as Planck time and Planck length, diameter at least 92 billion light-years, does not show the observable universe astronomers see today using telescopes is eternal.

SkiBumm said "When I am watching a prominent scientist looking me straight in the eye, and with all sincerity comments that the entire universe began as an electron microscopic speck..."

FYI, the Planck length for the starting size of our universe is much smaller than an electron.
SkiBumm, this report just posted,

"Goldberg said that the most readily apparent applications should come from quantum metrology, where engineers attempt to measure physical constants and other properties with extreme precision. Gravitational wave detectors, for example, need to be able to measure the distance between two mirrors to better than 1/10,000th the size of an atomic nucleus. Using the team's principles, physicists might be able to improve on this impressive feat."

My observation. While this is impressive in QM, not nearly as small as the BB model size for the beginning of the *observable universe* so the BB model starting size cannot be seen by current instruments.

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