The constant of BIG-'G' proves: LITTLE-'g's destination is always "ZERO-g" in accelerating expansion of opening the system, the universe, to the open system! Its ultimate destiny, though, is eternally asymptotic due to the strong force and/or the Casimir force effects (Close! Very, very, close to zero-g but never a cigar)!
For a closing system to the point of closed systemic point (equal but opposite to the above), look elsewhere, both micro- and macrocosmic, to the monopoles, or monopole moments, of the electro-magnetic and weak forces . . . the power-filled electroweak force! The 'Point Singularity-Portal' of the collapsed cosmological constant (/\) Planck (BB) Horizon. "Portal?!" Refer back to the constant of BIG-'G'....
For a closing system to the point of closed systemic point (equal but opposite to the above), look elsewhere, both micro- and macrocosmic, to the monopoles, or monopole moments, of the electro-magnetic and weak forces . . . the power-filled electroweak force! The 'Point Singularity-Portal' of the collapsed cosmological constant (/\) Planck (BB) Horizon. "Portal?!" Refer back to the constant of BIG-'G'....
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