The Cosmological Constant is a Base2

The Cosmological Constant is a Base2, '1' and/or '0'(-1) ('-1' and/or '0'(1)).
(The Cosmological Base is 2 (Base2), constant.)

(Infinity = '1' ([and/or] '-1') (constant))


The total mass-energy of the universes, positive (+) and negative (-), equals, or averages to, '0'.

The total space-time of the universes, convex (+) and concave (-), equals, or averages to, '0'.
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Well, no one is "falsifying", or "disproving," my 'Cosmological Constant' (my cosmological base) in post #1? Or is it thought "not right, not even wrong" ridiculous and ludicrous (the Cosmological Constant is a Base2, '1' and/or '0'(-1) ('-1' and/or '0'(1)) . . . ?

(infinity = '1' ([and/or] '-1') (constant))

Einstein wanted to do away with the magic show. He actually did that by making time his fourth dimension (0-point) of space ("it takes three dimensions to describe a point"). Einstein, though, didn't see the paralleling alternative 4-dimensionality . . . where space is the fourth dimension (0-point) of time ("it takes three dimensions to describe a point"). The rest simply follows suit.
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