The gorgeous Ring Nebula makes a stunning skywatching sight this week

"Lyra, it is still very well placed for viewing, now more than two weeks into the autumn season." - Joe Rao, June 28, 2024
I think the author meant "summer". There is nowhere on Earth "two weeks into the autumn season". No one would make such a mistake. Humans don't confuse autumn and summer.
Nov 18, 2019
This image of the planetary nebula M57 was taken by amateur astronomer, Steven Bellavia from Mattituck, New York on the night of June 10-11, using a ZWO ASI 290MC Guide Camera, attached to an Explore Scientific 152mm Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope.
I assume "152mm" is the clear aperture, not the focal length.

It would have been lovely if more details of the exposure were included. What is the effective focal length? How many images were stacked, at what exposure for each? Thanks!