The Higgs particle could break physics throughout the universe. Here's why it hasn't.

For me, most of the statements about the "Higgs Field" are so far into speculative "reasoning" that I give them near zero credibility.

One question that occurs to me while reading this article and its speculation about what would happen to "primordial black holes" during "inflation" is whether the space inside a black hole would inflate or not.

If so, then a black hole might well cease to have the relationship of mass to size that is required for it to be a black hole.

On the other hand, if the space inside a black hole does not inflate along with the space outside of a black hole, why not?

And, if not, then how did the whole universe inflate when it was much smaller and more dense than a black hole?
Nov 20, 2019
For me, most of the statements about the "Higgs Field" are so far into speculative "reasoning" that I give them near zero credibility.

One question that occurs to me while reading this article and its speculation about what would happen to "primordial black holes" during "inflation" is whether the space inside a black hole would inflate or not.

If so, then a black hole might well cease to have the relationship of mass to size that is required for it to be a black hole.

On the other hand, if the space inside a black hole does not inflate along with the space outside of a black hole, why not?

And, if not, then how did the whole universe inflate when it was much smaller and more dense than a black hole?
also to me, zero credibility in all of these math fantasies and idealisms like "primordial black holes", "quarks", "higgs fields", and in general all the hype around the "quantum effects"; and i remember i read that the higgs particle, if true, would require the exsistence of many other different higgs particles, and we never found them; zero credibility to these statistical, monte carlo, virtual, simulated, computerized proofs, total scams

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