So what is the big secret that NASA and our Government is hiding from all of us about the Hubble? Why would there be a sudden about-face in the planned service mission? There is a reason that is not being discussed to the General Public why they want to get this telescope down and fast...!! I would say that if NASA is afraid to send men to service the Hubble then the whole space program should be shut down, their telling me its safer to send men to Mars than it is to service the Hubble...????....We must realize that the Service Mission that was planned would of given us the eyes to see father into the past Universe, the religious leaders in America are afraid of what will be seen, and they don't want the public to see what they already suspect, there they go again protecting us...!! I suspect after this last meeting when they came back and said that the only course of action was to de-orbit the Hubble, I would suspect that something is awry...something is being kept under heavy wraps for all our experts to do an about-face...If our leaders all agree its too dangers to service the Hubble then they must agree its too dangerous to send men into space and we should halt the Space program altogether...but I don't think that is the reason they want to bring the Hubble down, they want to put blinder's on the publics eyes, protect the old time religion.....<br /><br />I know a lot of you will say I'm just sounding off or even crazy, but give me a better explanation, tell me that its safer to send men to Mars or the Moon than to service the Hubble...that is just not the case, there lies a deeper, hidden reason and we may never find out what it is...I say its time for the public to cry out and demand answers now, its time to stop jacking around and get this space program back in gear and quit acting like a bunch of panty waist moron's. If they are afraid to put the Shuttle into orbit again then stop wasting our money on endless investigations of safety issues, and develop