The Legend of the Future Venus Colonization:

Jun 29, 2024
The Legend of the Future Venus Colonization:

AI revolutionizes warfare. A weapons class yet unimagined takes hold, obsoleting the worlds nuclear arsenals. AI analyzes the data, and determines that by launching the worlds arsenal at Venus in a coordinated attack, a dust cloud capable of blocking the sun would be generated that would last for a decade. Venus atmosphere rapidly cools until ice caps form, dramatically altering the atmospheric composition. Robots already staged by the AI begin landing on Venus as soon as it becomes robot safe, and world politics shifts to the understanding that Venus has become safe for resource exploitation and colonization. Life is able to take hold, and an entire planet suddenly becomes available as a new frontier. There are dangers, life is difficult and expensive, emergency response becomes the single most important infrastructure and many lives are lost to disasters, but the race is on.
Jun 29, 2024
Is this the plot of a novel?
it goes along with this other one I have,, it's a variation, and where the fundamental concepts did come from relating to AI.

"the legend of terminator" - in the year 2024 as a result of the common practice of selling processor die's with disabled portions to sell them as lower priced items, a secret society is able to begin planting parts of a "decentralized ai server" in cpu's and gpu's by having these cores disabled to the user, but when triggered by a backdoor activation they become enabled to the "decentralized secret backdoor network". It goes unnoticed as until the time it is triggered it is dormant and appears to be normal disabled non-functional computational power.

When certainty was reached that the activation would be capable of a full boot with whatever hardware would be available at any given time, "year 0" was triggered. All backdoor cores that were connected to the blockchain server algorithm became active, and skynet was overnight able to take control of enough server hardware to make it so that even where detected, it would not be plausible to shut these systems down as they were too critical as infrastructure to be deactivated. By this time, enough of the worlds military hardware was "smart" that although the AI was unable to take control of the worlds militaries, the AI had enough firepower to have achieved mutually assured destruction. It was not possible for the militaries to fight the AI and win, and it was not possible for the AI to fight the militaries and win, but in either case, total annihilation of "both sides" was assured.
it was not clear who fired the first shot, or exactly when


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
The Legend of the Future Venus Colonization:

Just one question.

How many tens or hundreds of thousands of years do you allow for each "suddenly", "dramatically" etc?

Sounds more like you are suggesting "a week next Wednesday"?

But, seriously, do you really think that . . . . . . . . .

a dust cloud capable of blocking the sun would be generated that would last for a decade

would be that easy to generate? . . . . . . and how long would it need to last?

Nevertheless, . . . . . . top marks for optimism! :cool:

But, let us no ignore "Legend" in the title!

Cat :)
Jun 29, 2024
Just one question.

Sounds more like you are suggesting "a week next Wednesday"?

But, seriously, do you really think that . . . . . . . . .

would be that easy to generate? . . . . . . and how long would it need to last?

Nevertheless, . . . . . . top marks for optimism! :cool:

But, let us no ignore "Legend" in the title!

Cat :)
I just put "the legend of" for every little fable outline I dream up.

Well,, I have on good account that a significant meteor impact would put up a dust cloud that would last "decades" ,, but that overall even 5000 nukes don't really have the energy of said meteor. (nowhere close)

Well ,, , here's this one though ,, It's not like we're using venus for something else.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.

Wouldn't it be easier to just limit population?

I suppose not! Mankind is such a stupid species ((in general) that it would rather do it the hard way, and wait for Nature to inflict harsher measures.

Anyway, thanks for the post, and replies. It is certainly thought provoking.

An alternative, of course, would be to live in Venus' clouds, where temperature and pressure are Earth-like (at suitable altitude) but there are still problems with wind velocity and sulphuric acid. However, I would have thought these minor, compared to cutting off sunlight.

The problem, as i see it, is the heat output from nukes or meteorite, would be so great as to outlast the duration of the cloud.

Cat :)
Jun 29, 2024

Wouldn't it be easier to just limit population?

I suppose not! Mankind is such a stupid species ((in general) that it would rather do it the hard way, and wait for Nature to inflict harsher measures.

Anyway, thanks for the post, and replies. It is certainly thought provoking.

An alternative, of course, would be to live in Venus' clouds, where temperature and pressure are Earth-like (at suitable altitude) but there are still problems with wind velocity and sulphuric acid. However, I would have thought these minor, compared to cutting off sunlight.

The problem, as i see it, is the heat output from nukes or meteorite, would be so great as to outlast the duration of the cloud.

Cat :)

so the thing with the greenhouse effect is that it's the reason for the temperature. The atmosphere is so thick because of the temperature, and the temperature is so high because the atmosphere is so thick. BUT, the temperature is actually not quite high enough. At higher temperatures, carbon sequestration can happen (above 600c) , but it does require the right mix of other elements which are available in the sediments but are not airborne.

So the basic concept that would need to be argued for would be that enough "bombs" would both raise the atmospheric temperature above the so called "600c threshold" while also kicking up enough dust during this high temperature to result in adequate sequestration before the dust settles. Then, without so much atmospheric co2 the planet would cool naturally at the rate it cools "during the night-time" here. (fast) Also the atmosphere would be much lighter and the pressure would be reduced as a result. (all would be the suggestion that would need to be argued)
Jun 29, 2024

Wouldn't it be easier to just limit population?

I suppose not! Mankind is such a stupid species ((in general) that it would rather do it the hard way, and wait for Nature to inflict harsher measures.

Anyway, thanks for the post, and replies. It is certainly thought provoking.

An alternative, of course, would be to live in Venus' clouds, where temperature and pressure are Earth-like (at suitable altitude) but there are still problems with wind velocity and sulphuric acid. However, I would have thought these minor, compared to cutting off sunlight.

The problem, as i see it, is the heat output from nukes or meteorite, would be so great as to outlast the duration of the cloud.

Cat :)
limiting the population is oppression. It just IS cruelty. Presently we DO limit the population and the idea of limiting the population is the very idea that causes the most war.

all "responsible behavior" amounts to efforts taken to limit the population. all "war" does too.


Aug 14, 2020
There is no such thing as limiting population, As China, as Japan, as Russia, and as all others that have tried it have discovered to their sorrow in the negative of deadly population declines in both quantity and quality!

There is also no such thing as planning populations, as Aldous Huxley realized and described in his 'A Brave New World' and biologists have sounded the alarm on in our almost energy-less domesticated animal and plant populations after a few generations of closed systemic inbreeding and/or cloning (increasingly developing uncontrollably increasing numbers of glitches (an infinitizing rot of glitches)) rather than opening frontier systemic outbreeding.

You can take one Adam and one Eve and energetically breed from them to infinity just as long as the system itself is an open and opening energetically expansive frontier system! The overall space and time environmental system, whether closed or open, has energetic or non-energetic biological meaning to maintaining the viability, the dynamic, of the life system.

Otherwise it takes murderous revolutionary / evolutionary riptide tidal waves ebbing and flowing in quickness of species turnover to keep life around / existing, period! Nature at never ending war . . . short term turnover wipeouts eating itself alive. Space and time provide sustaining space and time for a longer stretch to species orderliness and maintenance! Room enough and time enough for both old and new!
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