From my location in Maryland. I did observe this morning 0645-0745 EST. Sunrise 0654 EST. Low level clouds moving quickly by from the south did block my views at times. Blue sky above with scattered cirrus and altocumulus layers. I used the TeleVue 32-mm plossl with my 90-mm refractor telescope and 10x50 binoculars. Clouds blocked my view of the Moon from 0723 EST until 0738 EST. When I viewed again at 0738 EST, Mars no longer visible near the lunar limb. From 0700 until 0723 EST, I did enjoy some good views of bright, orange Mars near the waning crescent Moon limb. At 0723 EST, the Moon and Mars very close in angular separation before the occultation. North up, mirror reverse view so the limb of the Moon and Mars was on right side of the FOV. 31x and nearly 1.6-degree true FOV. At 0716 EST, I could just barely see Mars near the lunar limb using my 10x50 binoculars. However, the 90-mm refractor view at 31x was excellent - clouds permitting. This was great fun this morning. At least I was able to see some of the occultation event but not the occultation itself. The Moon quickly closed the gap between the lunar limb and Mars while I viewed.
NWS reports winds aloft at 3000 feet for my location were 180/32 knots so lower level clouds came moving by quickly, blocking the view at times. High above, large areas of blue sky with cirrus and altocumulus. Winds at 30,000 feet this morning, 270/85 knots. I used lower power and wider field views with the telescope because of the clouds moving by. However, even at 31x, Mars and the Moon very easy to see, even at times through passing clouds, a good photo opportunity for some who do that.