The mysteries of the dark universe could be solved by the Rubin Observatory

Mar 8, 2022
"Dark matter" sounds reasonable until you drill down into the details of evidence.

Hypothesized "dark matter" does not respond to gravity anywhere within a galaxy.
1) the outer edge of DM doesn't migrate inward from DM's own massive gravity.
2) DM doesn't pile up around stars and planets and amplify their gravity.
3) DM isn't cascading into the central black hole of galaxies.

Actual matter and antimatter both respond to gravity, they have to, it's the shape of space-time.

Clear up your thought process from reflex bias to state the empiric, evidentiary fact that thus far there is only 'unexplained gravity'.

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I tend to agree that the postulated dark matter can't be behaving the same as regular matter or we would not even be able to tell that there is something different going on compared to the gravity we expect from the matter we can see. If there was a constant ratio of dark matter to regular matter, then we would just think that regular matter weighs the same as the actual combination.

So, your definition of the observation of apparent gravitational attraction from something we do not detect is fundamentally correct.

There is still argument over whether that is due to incorrect expectations for gravity from matter we can detect (i.e., alternate formulations of the physical law of gravity) or some sort of matter that we cannot detect. Having spent a lot of time looking and theorizing about what other form of matter could exist that we are not detecting - and coming up empty, so far - there is a lot of effort on reevaluating the law of gravity. And, that is as it should be. But, we do not seem to be making much progress on either, so far.

Unless the Rubin Telescope gives us a new insight that allows us to actually understand the underlying physics which we obviously do not understand right now, all the new data can do is to provide more precise data on the observed phenomena so that theorists can more finely tune the fudge factors in their theories.
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