The Shape of String Singularity and the 'Theory of Everything' (the 'TOE')

I think it was Einstein who said that in physics, and the Cosmic All at large, "if the answers don't lead to more questions, the answers are wrong." If you didn't notice, that in that statement of Einstein's, if it is Einstein's statement, is an Einsteinian statement of 'infinity'. The TOE -- the 'Theory of Everything' (of everythingness) -- is at once the TON -- the 'Theory of Nothing' (of nothingness).

Those practical-minded ancient Greeks had it exactly right when they called the closed systemic, aka perfect or perfectly monolithic place, 'Utopia' (u-topos (no-place)), "Nowhereland!"

Which is why I call "the Cosmic All" of the stereo-Universe (U) ('a turning unity' . . . aka 'universe' (u)), the "Infinite Multiverse (therefore, multi-verses (plural)) Universe."

(I'm pretty doggone sure, after nearly 70 years of being widely, and more or less deeply, read, including the studies of histories and natures, I'm reasonably aware of English -- terms and a few non-English terms -- language, linguistics, semantics, and General Semantics.)
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"The TOE -- the 'Theory of Everything' (of everythingness) -- is at once the TON -- the 'Theory of Nothing' (of nothingness)." Of nothingness: The nothing, the void, the vacuum, the hole, the tunnel or funnel, portal or window or gateway, the 'well', of and to "everythingness." And vice-versa.

The Horn of 'The Horn of Plenty'. The Wonderland of 'Alice in Wonderland'. The Looking Glass of 'Through the Looking Glass'. 'Horizon', as I have it. And 'Horizon's other lay of land, other being, other nature or physic, 'Flatland' , , , again as I have it, as I interpret it.

To be continued....
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Need I add to the above, its sum in 'Frontier Land'. Or something that the nature of life has known and understood for an eternity before mankind on Earth came along, especially before a growing mediocrity of mankind came along, that with a frontier of space enlarging; life, as the nature of life in large, gets an accompanying frontier of time enlarging (and with space, time, frontier and life enlarging (synergistically energizing), minds energize and enlarge synergistically). Space shrinks and closes, therefore frontiers shrink and close, therefore time shrinks and closes, therefore life shrinks and closes (space, frontier, time and life shrinking and closing, therefore minds shrink and close).
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"Therefore, minds shrink and close." Not universally so, though. A few frontier-minded minds, outland or out of the box thinking minds, throughout history, have upon occasion gone supernova busting world-class iron curtain bubbles. Busting that negative of inexorable entropy, managing opening, breaking open, the closed or closing system for the many. As Winston Churchill said in a different but always similar context, "Never have so many owed so much to so few!"
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The Shape of Singularity and the Theory of Everything (TOE):

The shape of photon-photo | Graviton-vortex singularity:

Doughnut-ring chain link 'String' // at once chain-link [infinity symbolled] 'String'.

'c' = fbb2 0|1 (unity)
G = fbb2 0|1 (unity)
PBB(B)H (cc (/\)) Horizon
Infinite Multiverse Universe
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Just in case of someone being unread and unaware:

Unity's c = 1 (unity) and G = 1 (unity) with my change of fundamentality to "fbb2 0|1 (unity)" is the 'what' of 'where'.

"fbb2 0|1 (unity)" is (primal (primordial) / fundamental (f) binary base2 (bb2) 0|1 (unity)).

"PBB(B)H (cc (/\)) Horizon" is (Planck Big Bang (Black) Hole (collapsed constant (cosmological -- /\ -- constant)) Horizon).

Horizon (Flatland) / Flatland (Horizon): Where Time = 0|1 and Space = 0}1 to infinity (space) and eternity (time)!
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Better potential visual illustration of a potential 'Chain String' (the shape of singularity and the Theory of Everything (TOE)):

The shape of photon (photo) / photo (photon) | Graviton (vortex-vortices) singularity / chain-links:

Doughnut-ring (infinity symbol twisted shape) chain-link of 'Chain -- and Chained -- String'.


PBB(B)H (cc (/\) Horizon =
(PBB(B)H (cc (/\) ([chained-mail-like] lay of the land) 'Flatland' Horizon) =
(Infinities of 0-point-portals (fbb2 (0|1)) in Horizon)
Infinite Multiverse Universe

Umm, "post #8". It just being coincidental that sometimes when the symbol can't be available in text the number '8', or an even more symbolic '00', whichever, shares itself as also being symbolic of infinity.
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"Infinite Multiverse Universe" is the Infinite Multiverse Universe of "is"; never "was."

How? Why?

Because per infinity and eternity that universe of a constantly claimed "was" [is] a universe (u), and probably several universes (u), somewhere among infinities of universes (u) of "is" within the Infinite Multiverse (the Multiverse of all verses) Universe (the "Cosmic All" stereoscopic aggregate 'A Turning Unity' (Universe (U) of all constituent universes (u)))!

Else we could not and would not, in fact be observing it / them!!!!
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Oops! above:

A universe (U), and probably several universes (u)....
.... among infinities of universes (u) (among infinities of universe horizons) .... of "is" ....

The Multiverse of all verses.

Stereoscopic aggregate 'A Turning Unity' (Universe (U) of all constituent universes (u)!
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"Stereoscopic aggregate 'A Turning Unity' (Universe (U) of all constituent universes (u)!"

Stereoscopic?! Is there a true complete void, vacuum, nothing, or well?! Well, only if its everything all at once!

There is no shortage of negative energy anti-matter (negative mirror-side of mirror matter) universe as thought by many. If there were a shortage, we'd have a shortage of both open systemic 0-dimensionality and closed systemic local-finite cubic 3-dimensionality.

The chain string (at bottom 1-d) that I describe above is in fact mirroring double-barreled chain string (stereoscopic), positive energy matter chain string and negative energy anti-matter chain string. And never shall the paralleling cross-eyed twain meet or part; that is, most of the time. Sandwiched between +1-dimensional chained string and -1-dimensional chained string, and even possibly produced by the double-barrel, is nothing more nor less than 0-dimensionality (+1|0|-1), the open systemic dimensionality.

Going up in dimension to 2-dimensional chained-mail-like lay-of-land 'flatland' from 1-dimensonal chain string, it isn't naked singularity either. It is a sandwich of mirroring positive energy matter and negative energy anti-matter. What it sandwiches, or what they sandwich, is '3-dimensionality'; cubic 3-dimensionality . . . the closed systemic local-finite cubic 3-dimensionality wherever, no matter the microscopic or macroscopic size, shape, or quality of 3-dimensional cube. And never shall the paralleling cross-y=eyed twain meet or part; that is, most of the time.

The sandwiching is virtually 'Casimer effect', if not in fact 'Casimer effect'. The twinned plates, though, are positive energy matter 2-d chained-mail-quality 'flatland' plate (and corresponding 1-d 'chained string') and negative energy anti-matter 2-d chained-mail-quality 'flatland' plate (and corresponding 1-d 'chained string').

Again, there is no shortage of negative energy anti-matter (negative mirror-side of mirror matter) universe as thought by many. Again, if there were a shortage, we'd have a shortage of both open systemic 0-dimensionality and closed systemic local-finite cubic 3-dimensionality.

What I've worked with above is more or less perfect balancing of this Universe (U) and universe (u) twain. I would not want to be in the space when that twain becomes imperfect, imbalanced.

Stereoscopic?! Is there a true complete void, vacuum, nothing, or well?! Well, only if its everything all at once!
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Between the two 2-dimenional 'flatland' frames, positive energy matter and negative energy anti-matter, 3-dimensional object reality (the objectively real) is created (is formed / comes into being). The rock Dr. Samuel Johnson stubbed his toe on in his dispute with Bishop Berkeley over Newton's realizations during the 1640s CE.
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Stereoscopic?! Is there a true complete void, vacuum, nothing, or well?! Well, only if its everything all at once!

We should be aware and know that the negative energy anti-matter universe is right here and now with us always and is symbiotically inseparable with, indivisible from, the positive energy matter universe we take for granted is all there is springing our dimensionality . . . and dimensionalities. That stereoscopic, mirror, universe is just on the other side of a horizon of void unobserved right under our noses, right before our eyes unseen and unseeable, even within our skins untouched and untouchable. It's right here now. It's our 'other' universe, unobserved / unobservable, to our observed / observable universe . . . along with countless dimensions of others in that horizon of void (horizon of nothing or vacuum or hole or well) right in our faces and everywhere else down and in into the microcosm toward the micro-microcosmic and up and out into the macrocosm toward the macro-macrocosmic, so to speak. It's always in a mirroring 'Mirror'.

We even draw energy from its well via new experimentation, though so far so very tiny, so very limited, in amount. We even draw anti-matter from it "creatively" via such facilitation as the Cern LHC.

It is 1-d 'chained string' with 1-d 'chained string', 2-d 'flatland' horizon with 2-d 'flatland' horizon, Multiverse Universe (U) with Multiverse Universe (U), universe (u) of dimensions with universe (u) of dimensions, in the Mirror. Quite an expansive, to infinity, pairing of universes in Mirror. And, if I visualize and realize it correctly, it is 0-point (portal), else nothing could ever be drawn from it, from across a horizon of seeming nothing (void, vacuum, hole, well): From across a "revolutionary divide."
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When it comes to the SPOL constant, there is adding and subtracting involved, to keep this universal constant, constant for all!

When it comes to the speed of light constant 'c' being everywhere at all times the same constant of 'c' regarding every local frame of relativity for every observer, including observer traveler, the universe doesn't stretch out the speed of light with the rubber-like warp-bubble consistency of space and time The universe adds and subtracts frames of light time history from the local picture, editing the picture of histories. It adds and subtracts numbers of photons, by the volume meter-metric mass of them. It does not stretch out or wad up some continuously constant, fixed, number of them -- simply stretching or wadding a fixture -- in expansion or contraction: Fewer horizons, fewer photons, lesser picture, or the more picture the merrier. The universe can do the math, the real math, of stretching, or alternatively adding and subtracting . . . whatever, as the specific, and general, condition dictates and requires.
I couldn't do this for the life of me as described, yet I've been seeing in it and dealing in and with it for most of my life as a so-called "intuitive 'visual mathematician'.": ("****, How is it you keep jumping into manure and coming up smelling like a rose?!")

Read an enjoy some more dimensions of 'cosmology'.

Mathematicians Find Hidden Structure in a Common Type of Space | Quanta Magazine

"If I had eight hours to cut down a tree, I would spend seven sharpening my axe." -- Abraham Lincoln.
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The ancient "practical" Greeks ("practical" as their thinking was described then and ever after recorded) thought life lived and the world and the universe existed, within the entity of light:

'c' = +300,000kps from rest frame '0'. Rest frame '0' slower than the speed of light by -300,000kps.
'c' = -300,000kps from rest frame '0'. Rest frame '0' faster than the speed of light by +300,000kp.
'c' = rest frame '0' (fbb2 0|1 (unity)).

We would call existing and living "within the entity of light" . . . existing and living within the entity of virtually observed and observable universe (the entity of subjectively relative virtuality, or more simply just 'Relativity') with the sub-strata being the objectively real, object reality of, microcosmic micro-verse of quantum mechanics; and the hyper-strata being the objectively real, object reality of, macrocosmic macro-verse of quantum mechanics. A self-similarity to Chaos Theory's "Zoom Universe," and my own visualized, realized, and described Infinite Multiverse Universe.

Of course, which of the verses is objectively real, and which of the verses is subjectively relative, can and will always be argued to no end. Or whether both are objectively real and/or subjectively relative.

"From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other...." -- Arthur Canon Doyle, Sherlock Holmes: A Study In Scarlet.
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Keeping in mind what I advanced in my post #16, this might interest some of the group:

Read and enjoy some more dimensions of 'cosmology':

Crisis in Particle Physics Forces a Rethink of What Is ‘Natural’ | Quanta Magazine

"From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other...." -- Arthur Canon Doyle, Sherlock Holmes: A Study In Scarlet.
You have a big difference between the object reality of the brain, and the virtual reality of the mind. The former is finite. The latter potentially limitless (potentially infinite) in its possibilities.

You have a big difference between the object reality of one universe, the observed and observable, and the virtual reality of another, the unobserved and unobservable. The former is finite. The latter potentially limitless (potentially infinite) in its possibilities.

"From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other...." -- Arthur Canon Doyle, Sherlock Holmes: A Study In Scarlet.

"Brevity may be the soul of wit, but repetition is the heart of instruction." -- Gen. George Patton.
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What comes before the Big Bang? This universe does, the universe of "is", never "was.". What comes after the Big Bang? This universe does, the universe of "is", never "was." A quantum entanglement: Gravity's 'Mirror' mirroring the identically same singularity of "information" on two sides, on both sides, of that collapsed constant of PBB(B)H (cc (/\) Horizon; that infinity of 0-point-portal universe horizons to an Infinite Multiverse Universe.
I've constantly pushed the universe of "is", never "was"! I not only can explain what I've already realized but have found something from the BBC to point to what I've had so much difficulty painting the full picture of . . . until now! I woke up from a nap with the realization there in mind, then did a search and there it was right in front of me. Not necessarily exact but so very self-similar it leaped out at me! I rushed to get it in.

Physics suggests that the future has already happened - BBC Reel

From the above post #19 which is integral to this continuing:

What comes before the Big Bang? This universe does, the universe of "is", never "was.". What comes after the Big Bang? This universe does, the universe of "is", never "was." A quantum entanglement: Gravity's 'Mirror' mirroring the identically same singularity of "information" on two sides, on both sides, of that collapsed constant of PBB(B)H (cc (/\)) Horizon; that infinity of 0-point-portal universe horizons to an Infinite Multiverse Universe.

Einstein didn't know what he had with his singularity of [past | future] space-time picture. Neither, apparently, have many others seen it. It isn't here now with our 'Middle Earth'-like (Middle Universe or Hawking "Life Zone") picture, but only beyond the universe's equator (and all the Infinite Multiverse-Universe universes' equators) toward the PBB(B)H (cc (/\)) Horizon. In the faster than the speed of light picture toward the Horizon we aren't seeing the picture we've been long told was there, and it has been on the periphery of my mind's eye, for decades in my case, and for more than a century in the case of Relativity. It is a picture of singularity, of the singularity of [past | future], in oneness of "is", and never a picture of past "was" alone! As far as I'm concerned, I've painted the right picture very much the right way over and over again . . . but have been unable to even satisfy myself with the drawing of it until now!

Sometimes you do something and never quite realize what you did. So it was with Einstein. The picture has more dimensions, and at once fewer dimensions, of space-time than even Einstein saw or ever thought about. Hawking came the closest with his eternally continuing constant of moving film-like, a moving treadmill-like "Life Zone" between fixed brackets of horizon, in his book 'A Brief History of Time'. But not even he, in his picture, saw the greater dimensionality of an Infinite Multiverse-Universe tied to bracketing of PBB(B)H (cc (/\)) Horizon. Or, seen in another view of it, Chaos Theory's 'Zoom Universe' (zoom out / zoon in).

My problem with "zoom" now, and a solution to one problem as well, is the virtual reality universe, or relative universe, our local-finite universe picture, now fits into the level between a sub-strata microcosmic micro-verse and macrocosmic macro-verse, of quantum mechanics, that is the same verse. But . . . it, that virtual universe, our local-finite relative (and 4-dimensional space-time) universe, shares that level of zoom with blurring. The virtual reality, the subjectively real, the observed and observable universe of Relativity, blends with and into Chaos Theory's [zoom out / zoom in] level of blurring, that itself blends its entity-picture with entropy. The Infinite Multiverse Universe has the cancellation of its (entropy's) inexorability, not an end of it but an ever-continuing cancellation of it, in at least two ever-present entity-pictures entropy can't touch.
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[Past | Future] is the distant perfectly blended balanced picture of "is" singularity, never "was" alone, we see coming to us courtesy of the Hubble and Webb scopes.

Physics suggests that the future has already happened - BBC Reel

Now the thing that would be wrong with the illustration and dialog is that the only perfectly balanced [into singularity] picture would be the picture of the distant horizons of the universe -- coming and going, the same picture [past | future] . . . which all observers anywhere and everywhere, any-when and everywhen in the universe would always witness simultaneously as the [past | future].

Those aliens would not, because they could not, witness the Milky Way, thus Sol and the Earth and the two characters illustrated within the bigger picture, for 2,000,000 plus years. Andromeda and the Milky Way, each from the other, would be no part of the observable singularity of [past | future]. That belongs only, entirely, to the other side of the equators toward the collapsed constant Gravity Mirror mirroring PBB(B)H (cc (/\)) Horizon of all horizons of universe: of all the multiverse infinities of universes.

That picture is a grand unification picture independent of every constituent local-relative universe picture. Independent like Hawking's independent clock at the dead center of the Grand Central Station of the Infinite Multiverse Universe which has just one hand always and forever pointing to noon and midnight (unity='1') '0' at once; under which a Cosmic All Middle Kingdom of things and lives, again always and forever, come together and pass going their different ways and lives.

To repeat once more, not only do we witness our past as a universe coming toward us from the distant reaches, but at exactly the same time, in exactly the same picture, in exactly the same blending entity across the equator, we witness the future of our universe coming toward us from exactly the same distant reaches. Also, a redshift showing this our universe going "back to the future." Showing it! exactly that!
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So, back to [pasts | futures] . . . and SPOL:

Again, as Gen. Patton is said to have said, "Brevity may be the soul of wit, but repetition is the heart of instruction": (It seems regularly necessary to recount.)

A = Observers, including their clocks, in rest, or preferred, frames.
B = Observer travelers, including their clocks, or simply objects at a distance (all objects are moving in some way or other at all times in the universe, including universes themselves with the sole exceptions of Infinite Multiverse Universe and (collapsed constant) PBB(B)H (cc (/\)) Horizon . . . and, [infinite / infinitesimal mass singularity | infinite / infinitesimal well (hole) (void) (vacuum)] at the speed of light (universal constant) 'c' = primal / fundamental 0|1 (unity)).
{+H} = Horizon (future (14 billion years))
{-H} = Horizon (past (14 billion years))
p = past
f = future
o = observed / observable
u = unobserved / unobservable
<< = slow, or slower than, SPOL
>> = fast, or faster than, SPOL

Distance (expanded or expansive)
1) {+/- H}(AB){-/+ H}
2) {+H}Auf | {-H}Aop < Bop{-H} > Buf{+H}.
3) {+H}Auf | {-H}Aop << Bop{-H} >> Buf{+H}
4) {+H}Auf | {-H}Aop <<< Bop{-H} >>> Buf{+H}
5) {+H}Auf | {-H}Aop <<<< Bop{-H} >>>> Buf{+H}
6) {+H}Auf | {-H}Aop <<<<< Bop{-H} >>>>> Buf{+H|
(Reality, including the real clock and real clock time being later in time, being farther away in space and time(!) than you think! Then you observe! "Aop/Bop" is the earlier time (toward the past Horizon (-H), thus the slower clocks)! "Auf/Buf" the later time (toward the future Horizon (+H), thus the faster clocks)!)

Distance (contracted or contractive)
1) {+H}Auf | {-H}Aop >>>>> {+H}Buf <<<<< Bop{-H}
2) {+H}Auf | {-H}Aop >>>> {+H}Buf <<<< Bop{-H}
3) {+H}Auf | {-H}Aop >>> {+H}Buf <<< Bop{-H}
4) {+H}Auf | {-H}Aop >> {+H}Buf << Bop{-H}
5) {+H}Auf | {-H}Aop > {+H}Buf < Bop{-H}
6) {+/- H}(AB){-/+ H}
(Reality, including the real clock and real clock time still being later in time, being closer in space and time(!) than you think! Closer than you observe! "Aop/Bop" is still the earlier time (toward the past Horizon (-H), thus still the slower clocks)! "Auf/Buf" still the later time (toward the future Horizon (+H), thus still the faster clocks)!)
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I watched the video of famous Michio Kaku telling like it is concerning the near century old Big Bang Theory. And he is right in what he had to say, but probably lost and ignorant of the solution to the problem like so many others.

He doesn't picture in his mind's eye physics infinities of universes always in shift and thus infinities of universe mergers occurring at all times and thus throughout eternities of time. If he did, he would realize [an all told] Infinite Multiverse Universe and cosmological constant of Planck Big Bang (Black) Hole in collapsed constant Horizon of all horizons of shift. We may just realize the shadows in shadow horizons going away we realize as dark matter and energy (incoming), whatever . . . and in visible redshift that rides the surface of space and time and will never be complete . . . will always be "incomplete information and communication."

He should never forget that with a closed -- a closing -- system you cannot and will not escape an open -- an opening -- system, two sides of one coin of a primal / fundamental binary base2 (fbb2 (0|1 unity)) singularity. You won't escape gravity, nor the Big 'G' in 'Horizon'. The Mirror Universe and more (Multiverse). Think mergers and resulting ever-continuing creation, an ever-continuing constant coin singularity of systemic opening and closing, not Creation.

We would see it as two distant horizons, a collapsed constant horizon of constant creation (Planck Big Bang), thus also constant destruction (Planck (Black) Hole), once again the two sides -- the two entities -- of a single coin (a singularity) . . . and one horizon simply of 'continuance' to no end.
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One horizon the infinitely vertical dimension opposing to the horizontal, so to speak. One horizon the infinitely horizontal (Flatland) dimension opposing to the vertical, so to speak. Two dimensions of a multi-dimensional 'Infinite Multiverse Universe' (to realize also as Chaos Theory's 'Zoom Universe' (zooms out / zooms in (plural in "zooms" and yet reductionist to just the two)).

And, at once also, as the observed / observable 'Virtual Universe' . . . aka the enclosed 4-dimensional 'subjectively relative' (thus warp bubble space, thus warp-bubble time (pliably supple volume meter-metric mass) countless, limitless, in possibilities) universes of Einstein's Theories of Relativity (as rigidly relativistic as the stone rock Dr. Samuel Johnson kicked in refuting Bishop Berkeley over Newton . . . yet having no stone-like rigidity at all to it (the two sides, thus two entities, of the one 4-dimensional coin of relativity (our relative 'Virtual Universe' framing dimensionality in it wherever life and worlds and universe is in Hawking's-"Life Zone" / "Grand Central Station" of universe)).
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I've called it "our relative 'Virtual Universe' framing dimensionality, Hawking's "Life Zone" and his "Grand Central Station" of universe. Now someone might try to tell me what I describe appears to be right out of the movie the "Matrix."

I say certainly "Matrix"-like framed universe yes, but movie?! No way! A Virtual Universe, a universe of relativity, superimposed upon a substratum of microcosmic micro-verse and macro-cosmic macro-verse. In no way does this Grand Unification Theory (GUT) of physics, literally 'The Theory of Everything' (TOE), qualify simply as a game simulation or hologram projection.

The Science of Complexity has described the natural world (the big picture of it!) as having few but those few "absolute" rules. Chaos Theory's one side of the coin of Zoom Universe is zoom to entropic disorder blur, and I've presented that zoom picture here on the forums. Now I've begun realizing a superimposing picture upon that zoom level that is Einsteinian relative universe, Einstein's Universe of Relativity, or Virtual Universe. A very different and anti-entropy take on that Chaos Theory chaotic / disordered / blurred zoom level. Very definitely not replacing it but superimposing upon it, inlaying into it, as duality, the very picture of "Grand Unification" . . . Hawking's "Grand Central Station" of 'Everything' and its Grand Central Station clock at its very center with that single hand singularly and always pointing to 0-point (midnight's end and beginning point . . . and noon's halfway point). The two-in-one singularity of that zoom level is a dimensional lock indivisible. As indivisible as entropy is inexorable. An eternal entity of cancellation superimposed into a physic that can have no end to it. That the very inexorable physic itself is the background or underlaying ground bedrock property of its own inexorable cancellation in 'Grand Unification' (four force based) energized frames of Virtual Universe (Einsteinian Relativity) Matrix.
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