As the universe cooled in the era after the Big Bang, a supermassive black hole had already formed in the center of a galaxy, forming a giant engine of energy we can still see today.
The universe may have been filled with supermassive black holes at the dawn of time : Read more
The object has a redshift where z > 6 and from the links provided we read "From these new LBT
observations, still under development, we also estimate that the central engine that powers PSO J0309+27 is a black hole with a mass equal to about 1 billion times the mass of our sun. Thanks to our discovery, we are able to say that in the first billion years of life of the universe, there existed a large number of very massive black holes emitting powerful relativistic jets. This result places tight constraints on the theoretical models that try to explain the origin of these huge black holes in our
universe," concludes Belladitta."
The NASA ADS Abstract states constraints too "Larger samples of blazars will be necessary to better constrain these estimates.",
The first blazar observed at z>6 From the cosmology calculators
COSMOLOGY CALCULATORS and default settings with z=6 (using flat model), the age at redshift 6 is 0.942E+9 years after the Big Bang, light-time to Earth is 12.779E+9 years, thus the observation is from light that traveled nearly 13E+9 light-years distance to reach the telescopes on Earth, and comoving radial distance is 27.484E+9 light-years away, something telescopes cannot see where the object *may be* today. It is important to define constraints on the Big Bang model and origin of the universe and structure formation like supermassive BHs, primordial neutrinos, Population III stars, etc. Observations and interpretations like this potential supermassive BH *evolving* <= 1E+9 years after the Big Bang, show present processes operating in the universe and present star formation rate(s) cannot explain the origin of the universe. The universe had a distinct beginning, and other surveys like Spitzer show star formation reached cosmic high noon near redshift 3.0 and is slowing down, the same for formation of supermassive BHs shortly after the BB. The 2nd Law - entropy is winning, slowly bringing the universe to an end